Thursday 17 June 2021

Friday 18th June

 Requests and reminders:

  • Please ensure that your child has a hat and comes to school with sun cream applied. They may also bring a named bottle of sun cream. Your child will need to be able to re apply it themselves.
  • We will be putting the basket out on Monday for our half termly donation. We would be very grateful if you could donate as we have lots or resources we would like to buy to enhance the children's learning. Whoops- we forgot this week!
  • Please ensure your child has a spare set of clothes in their bag.
    Things to do...
  • This week the children are continuing phase 4 phonics. We are learning about clusters. Two sounds commonly found together such as 'br' and 'dr'. The children are practising reading longer words made up of consonant-consonant- vowel- consonant such as d-r-o-p. Encourage your child to sound and blend longer words. We have focused on 'dr', 'fl' and 'st' this week.
  • Recap the digraphs that your child finds tricky. There are lots of Power Points in the home learning that you can use. Also please keep practising the key words.
  • Please read lots of fairy tales at home and discuss how the same story may vary depending on the author. For example sometimes the wolf is killed by the woodchopper and sometimes it is not!

The sun has been shining and the children at school have been having a wonderful time. They are been learning about Goldilocks and the Three Bears this week. They have really enjoyed re enacting the story in the role play area. 

The nurse has also been visiting and doing their vital hearing and sight test. If there are any concerns regarding your child you will have been sent a letter so that you can follow these up if necessary.

The children also had a visit from poet, Paul Lyalls, this week. It was fantastic!  He started by retelling the children two of his poems.  One was a poem about rulers and one was about bananas! The children then went on to make a class poem together.  

In Literacy the children  have been independently writing a list of Fairy tale characters and props and cutting out a character from the story.  The children have also completed a rhyming Goldilocks poem.

Maybe you could have a go at making up your own poem at home. The children could think of lists of rhyming words and sing some nursery rhymes too. 

In maths this week the children have been working with numbers to 20. Practising addition and subtraction and playing games. If your child would like to follow these up they can use the White Rose links to help. These were used by the children for home learning. We completed the same activities in school but were not using the videos.

Activity 1

This week we based  our maths lessons on the White Rose lessons beyond 20. Ask your child to Watch lesson 1: White Rose maths Week 1 Your child will then need a range of resources to make the difference numbers. Use the PDF Monday number patterns for the activity

Activity 2

Watch the White Rose video introducing the activity. White Rose maths Week 1 Watch session 2: matching picture to numeral. Then play the pairs game.

Activity 3

The children played a game called tens frame fill. Watch the White Rose video for session 3. White Rose maths Week 1-Then play the game. Explain to your child that they are going to play an addition game. Demonstrate. Each pair will have 2 tens frames and a set of numerals 1-10. Talk about how many counters they will need to complete the 2 tens frames. Take turns to pick a numeral and add that many counters. Discuss the number sentences represented each time. 0 + 4= 4, 4 +7= 11. Ask questions such as, How many more do I need to get to 20? What numerals may I need to make this number?

Activity 4

Watch the White Rose video for session 4- estimating. White Rose maths Week 1 After watching the video find some objects that you can use to estimate and order.

How many items can you hold in one hand? Take a handful of some different items.

Place each handful on a plate and estimate how many objects you have. Do you think you have more than 10? Or fewer than 10?  Can you order the plates from fewest items to most items? Place your objects onto the 10 frames to help you to count how many you have in each handful.

Activity 5

Watch the White Rose White Rose maths Week 1 session 5 and play the tens frame subtraction game.

For one of the maths fluency activities the children used this interactive white board to identify patterns on a hundred square.

interactive hundred square game

In phonics this week we have moved to phase 4. The children are learning about clusters. We have focused on dr, st and fl. The children have been reading and writing words and sentences using these clusters. They are two sounds that are often found together. See if your child can write a list of words for each cluster.

In ChIL, the children have been busy spending lots of time outside!  They have loved having the water out and using the sandpit.  We have also had some porridge oats for the children to play with. They loved it when it rained and became sticky! The children have really enjoyed making potions using herbs, spices and petals and have turned their friends and adults into all sorts of things, such as, princesses, kings, frogs!!! They also wrote the recipe for their potions. The children have been practising their number formation. They enjoyed playing with the castle and made up their own stories.  The children enjoyed dressing up in wigs, glasses, hats and jewellery and using the ipad to take photos of each other and selfies.

Please ensure your child has a hat in school for the sunnier weather. 

Have a wonderful weekend!

The Year R Team