Friday 20 July 2018

Friday 20th July

Useful information and requests:

  • The new school term starts on Tuesday September 4th at 8.50 am. Please note KS 1 children start 5 minutes earlier than the reception children!

  • Things to do...
  • Revise the phonics sounds taught this year.
  • Read with your child. Encourage your child to do the Herts library challenge.
  • Play maths and phonics games.
  • Have lots of fun!

    We really enjoyed watching the Year 2 leavers assembly on Thursday morning. It gave our children an insight into what they will be doing in years 1 and 2.

    The children have had great fun in ChIL this week.

     The Ducks had their first woodland learning session this week.

    The children really enjoyed their 10 apple treat. Here are some photos of them having their outdoor disco and picnic.

    Look how the children have grown:


    Thank you to those of you who made it to our last celebration assembly of the year. We hope you enjoyed the children's song. It certainly brought a tear to our eyes! You have a copy of the words in your child's learning journal.

    Dear Parents,

    We would all like to thank you very much for the generous gifts, vouchers, cards and messages. We really appreciate your kind words. We always use our vouchers to buy something special to remind us of your fantastic children. We have loved teaching your children, they really are very special, and we will really miss them as they move into Year 1. We hope you all have a fantastic summer holiday.

    Mrs Meade, Mrs Parkin, Miss Cane,
    Mrs Hall, Mrs Fitzsimons and Miss Kelly