Friday 1 February 2019

Friday 1st February

Useful information and requests:
  • Important date for your diary: Reception Assembly is next Friday February 8th at 9.15. Please can the children come into school on Friday wearing their pirate costumes with their school uniform in a named carrier bag.
  • It is really important that the children have a coat and hat and gloves with them everyday.
  • World Book Day-7th March. 
  • Reception Fair trade Cafe: Tuesday 12th March. You are invited to come along and sit with your child and buy some fair trade food and drink from our cafe.
  • Please check your child's book bag regularly as they can become very full; the children have brought home the 45 high frequency words they need to recognise by the end of Reception.
  • Things to do...
  • Listen to your child read everyday. Morning time is best! Don't forget to read to your child, this helps them understand the importance of expression and they learn new vocabulary.
  • Play maths games.
  • This week the children have continued phonics focusing on letter sounds. They have learnt the sounds, 'v' 'w' 'x' and 'y'.  See if your child can sound out and blend back the CVC words below.

You are all invited to our Reception Assembly next Friday 8th February at 9.15. Please can your child wear their pirate costume into school that day and bring their school uniform in a named bag. After the assembly your child will be able to share their learning journals with you back in the classroom.

This week the children have been focusing on learning their key words in Literacy. They played key word bingo, key word pairs, key word treasure hunt and the final activity was writing key words on large sheets of paper and in sand/glitter trays.

These are all games that can be played at home. There are 45 high frequency sight words that your child needs to know in order to meet their Early Learning Goal at the end of Reception. Your child would benefit from your help and support in learning these words. It may be best to focus on a few words each week. You could write them on post-its and stick them around the house and everyone has to read them as they walk past! Some children came home with these words on Thursday and
the rest will bring them on Monday.

In maths this week the children have completed 4 activities.
Activity 1: The children learnt about time. We talked about the times of the day and what activities we do throughout the day. For example we get up, have breakfast, clean our teeth in the morning....We showed children 4 pictures representing: morning, afternoon, evening and night time. They were then each given a picture of an activity  e.g. sleeping, and they had to match it to the correct time of day. We talked about different measures of time: months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds. We used a sand timer to see what we could do in 1 minute. We looked at an analogue clock and talked about the hour and minute hands. Please talk about time with your child.
Activity 2: We talked about voting and how voting is a fair/democratic way to come to a decision.We talked about the fact that we sometimes vote for what we will do for our 10 apple treat (party or movie) or for what film we want to watch for our 10 apple treat.We then voted for our favourite animal. We looked at the results of our votes and used comparative language- more/ less/fewer/most/least.  We demonstrated how we could draw the results as a bar chart.
Activity 3: Positional language. We went on a treasure hunt outside following instructions - through the gates, over the grass, under the canopy, between the bars  etc... until we reached the treasure. The children then had to repeat the language as they came back to the Reception area.
Activity 4: Sharing cookies-We listened to a story on the interactive white board- 'When the Doorbell Rang'. There were 12 cookies and 2 children but every time the doorbell rang there was another person to share the cookies with. The teacher then modelled sharing cookies between 2, 3 and 4.

The children have had the chance to play in the court yard this week but the majority have chosen to stay in the warmth!  We have had a construction ChIL and a maths ChIL.

The remaining groups had the chance to build their bird hideouts this week. They loved it!

Enjoy the extra long snowy weekend!
The Year R Team