Friday 12 October 2018

Friday 12th October

Useful information and requests:
  • Next Friday afternoon The Robins have a skipping skills workshop. The children will need to have bare feet for this activity, so if your child usually wears tights and has difficulty with them it may be best to wear socks! 
  • We have started to send the children home with reading books this week. All the children should have a reading book by the end of next week.The majority of children will be reading 'Pink books'. Your child will rely on using the picture clues and repetitive text. Be positive and support them. Before they start reading: 
    • Look at the words and pictures on the front cover - title, author, illustrator.
    • Look at the back cover and read the blurb.
    • Look at the title page and recap the title
    • Look at the pictures and talk about what might be happening in the story
    • Highlight any key words
    • Introduce the repetitive text
    • Read the story together
    • As your child moves on to red books there will be more focus on sounding out words and blending them back together.
    • It is then important that your child goes back and rereads the sentence after they have decoded it.
  • We will encourage the children to change their reading books every time we have 5 minute warning before tidy up time. It is your child's responsibility to change their books. If they fail to do this you can send them back into class at the end of the day to change them (once all of the children have been sent out). But we would be grateful if you could try and encourage them to do this during 5 minute warning.
  • As the children are now moving on to 'reading scheme books' please can we ask you to return any books that you have borrowed from the book boxes we have put out each day.
  • If you are able to collect and bring in leaves, sticks (small and big for den building), acorns and conkers we would be very grateful. The children will be starting woodland learning activities next week. It is very important that they have boots and a coat.
  • The children will be coming home with their Christmas card designs today. Please look out for them if you would like to make an order. We would be very grateful if you could return their designs to us whether you make an order or not. Orders can be made online and the deadline has been extended to 24th October.
  • Things to do...
  • Listen to your child read everyday. Morning time is best!
  • It is important that your child learns to be independent, please teach them to put on and take off their shoes, socks, coats and jumpers.
  • This week we have started to talk about Alliteration. The children have found this quite tricky. Please encourage them to think of silly sentences using alliteration at home e.g.Happy Harry Hippo is having haddock.
  • We are continuing to ensure that the children can follow instructions at school. Please can you practise with your child at home by giving them 2 or 3 instructions at a time.

It was super to meet you all properly at consultations this week. We hope that you found the meeting useful. Please remember that if you ever have any concerns you can make an appointment to speak to us through Admin or catch us after school.

We discussed the importance of the children learning their sounds correctly. Here is a useful clip from You tube which you may find helpful.
Pronunciation of phonemes

The children have started their finger strong activities this week. They come in to class in the morning and go straight to their colour group where they complete a fine motor activity. They rotate around the 5 activities over the week. This week they had cutting skills, handwriting skills, pencil control, threading and play dough.

The Ducks really enjoyed their Skipping workshop this week.

The children loved their 10 apple treats on Thursday. The Robins' watched 'UP' in PJs with their teddies and the Ducks had a disco in their PJs! They had lots of fun.

In maths this week the children completed 4 activities focusing on the number 4. The children learnt that squares, diamonds and rectangles all have 4 sides and 4 corners.They practised counting 4 accurately and making 4 in different ways.

The children used the 1,2,3 and 4 Numicon shapes to make 4 in different ways.

They used counters to explore different ways of making 4. 

They sorted the pictures into groups of 4s and other  numbers.

The children used rods of varying lengths to make 4 sided shapes.

In phonics this week we have been talking about Alliteration. As a class we made Alliterative Aliens.

The children sang the silly soup song and placed items starting with the same letter in the cauldron.
The children looked at pictures of items and matched the ones starting with the same sound.
We played I spy names. 'I spy with my little eye someone beginning with..? The children with that sound at the beginning of their name then stood up and we added another word in front of their name to make it alliterative e.g. Elegant Emma.

The children have had lots of fun in ChIL too.

Have a wonderful weekend!
The Year R Team