Friday 13 July 2018

Friday 13th July

Useful information and requests:

  • Next Friday we will have a talent show in Robins and Ducks. If your child has a talent they would like to share please encourage them to do so. This may be anything they wish to share for example: reading a poem, singing a song, dancing, juggling, telling jokes, doing the hoola hoop. They may wish to do this on their own or with a friend. They can of course bring in any music or props that are required.
  • Next week we have celebration assembly on Friday. The first assembly will take place at 9.15 and this will be repeated at 1.30. This is due to fire safety regulations and to avoid overcrowding in the hall.
  • We would love to update our comic collection if you have any comics that your child has finished with please bring them in.
  • The classes have both got 10 red apples on their celebration trees and have earned themselves a treat. We listed all the options on the board and decided we would do a combination of all those possible. We had to ditch the ideas of LEGOLAND and a sleepover! So next Thursday we are going to have a teddy bears picnic and then a disco. Please can you provide your child with a small plate of food for them to eat (they will have already had lunch). Please remember no nuts. They can bring in party clothes or PJs and a teddy bear.
    Things to do...
  • Phonics lesson this week have focused recapping 'th', 'ing' and 'ay' See if your child can write a list of words using each sound.
  • Talk about 'time' at home.

Thank you very much to those of you who have returned the report slips and for all the lovely comments which are much appreciated. Please keep sending these in.

In quick maths we have been learning about time. We talked about o'clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to. We looked at the numbers on the clock and started to introduce the hands. We also talked about the facts: 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour and 24 hours in a day.

On Thursday the Ducks and Robins enjoyed visiting their new classes. They all came back talking about what they had done and seemed very happy about it.

Robins were very lucky and had a taster session of woodland learning this week. They were told about the rules and how to keep safe. They made a cuff by collecting berries, stones and leaves and sticking them onto their cuff. They will be doing this in year 1. They had lots of fun. It will be the Ducks turn next week.

The children went to the ICT suite this week where they used the paint package, drawing pictures using the mouse to click and drag.

We've had lots of fun in ChIL outside and some of the children have been helping us clean.

Only 1 week left in Reception! We can't believe it- we will miss your children so much!
The Year R Team