Friday 20 April 2018

Friday 20th April

Useful information and requests:

  • Next week is Sustainability Week. We will be talking about recycling and looking after our environment. We would be very grateful if you could bring in tin cans for one of our activities and each child will need a yogurt pot.
  • We are also looking for natural materials to be used in the mud kitchen including fir cones, small sticks and shells and stones.
  • Look out for the letter telling you about our exciting 'Fairytale Castle' workshop which is on Thursday 10th May. Please sign up to help if you are able to.
  • We also have a Science Day coming up soon.
  • Now that the weather is improving please can we remind you to ensure that your child has a water bottle, a hat and please apply sun cream before school.

Things to do...
  • Recap this weeks phoneme- 'ear' as in hear, clear, year, near, tear, ear.
  • Please read with your child. Encourage your child to first tell the story using the  pictures, identify high frequency words on each page and then  encourage your child to segment and blend words together. Once your child has decoded a sentence it is important to encourage them to go back and re-read the sentence to gain fluency and work on expression.
  • By the end of the Year your child should be able to make a rhyming string for example: cat, bat, hat, mat, rat   or bing, ding, king, ling, sing, thing. Please encourage your child to make rhyming strings as they climb the stairs or hop, skip and jump! The words can be real words or made up words.
  • Please continue to encourage your child to be independent. 
  • Please talk about recycling with your child and get them to help you to put your recycling in the correct box.
  • This week we looked at repeating patterns. See if your child can make a repeating pattern with two or more colours or objects. The children have also been practising naming and describing their 2d and 3d shapes. Can you describe a shape to your child and see if they can name it?

We hope you all had a relaxing Easter break and your children are ready for a fun filled last term in Reception! If you have any magic moments from the Easter break please do send them in. 

In Maths this week we have been focusing on repeating patterns.

The children have also been revising the 2d and 3d shape names and talked about their properties. After playing guess the shape in the bag, they enjoyed singing our shape songs and watching some shape clips on you tube.

Our adult directed activities this week have been based on our Jigsaw programme (PSHE). Our focus is 'Relationships'.
One session was based on 'Falling out and being Mean'- The teacher read some statements which were then sorted into 'kind phrases' and 'unkind phrases'. We then discussed how we could make sure our words were always kind.

The children have discussed what makes a good friend. They looked at a picture of a 'lonely girl'. They talked about how she might be feeling and how we could make her feel better. We then mind-mapped how to be a good friend.

The next session started by listening to the song 'You've got a friend in me'. They then matched some pictures of friends Buzz and Woody, Tinkerbell and Peter Pan, Batman and Robin etc. We then talked about what makes these characters good friends.The children then had a chance to play games together and be good friends with one another. Together we talked about sensible games such as 'The Farmers in the den, hand clapping games, follow my leader, copy my actions'.

Reception have talked about their families and learnt that all families are different. The children drew their family members on their hand and talked about why they are special.

The children have really enjoyed playing in the sunshine this week. They have built dens from the bricks, played in the sand and water, played with the super heroes, made repeating patterns, enjoyed the mud kitchen, painted and drawn on large pieces of paper.

Enjoy the sunshine this weekend!
The Year R Team