Friday 6 October 2017

Friday 6th October

This week the children have started each day by going straight to their finger strong activities. Throughout the week the children have rotated around the activities. They have been threading beads, twisting elastic bands around wooden sticks, practising their cutting skills, feeding numbers to tennis ball monsters (they have to pick the numbers up with tweezers and squeeze the mouth open with the other hand), they have also been joining nuts and bolts. 

In phonics this week we have been focusing on alliteration. We looked at some pictures that started with the same initial sound and then listed other words starting with the same sound. Please help your child think of alliterative words and play ‘ I spy’. 

In maths we have focused on the number 3 and triangle has been our shape. Ask your child about the shapes they have learnt so far. What can they tell you about a circle, semi-circle and triangle? This week the children completed 5 maths activities over the week all based on the number 3 and the triangle. 
·       They made 3 with numicon pieces to make patterns on a base board. They discussed odd and even numbers.

     They cut out triangles and put them in order of size.


·         They identified and coloured triangles from a range of shapes, (explaining how two triangles could both be triangles even though one was longer or fatter).

·         They made repeating patterns with different sized and coloured triangles.

·         They made groups of 3 with different objects

Whilst doing these activities they were constantly questioned. For example:
How do you know this is a triangle?
How can you make 3 using different numicon pieces?
How is a triangle different to a circle?
What is 1 more/ 1 less?
How many more do I need to make 3?

This week in PE the children have been reinforcing the number three and triangles. The children moved around the room in different ways and had to stop when signalled. The children then moved around and had to group into threes when stopped. They were asked to group with different children each time. They then had to lay down and make a triangle with their group of three each time they were stopped. They talked about the fact that a triangle may be made with three equal sides, or two long sides and one shorter side of sides of different lengths but they are all triangles.

Our first 4 children from Reception had their ‘proud moment in Assembly’. They did really well.  The children also enjoyed watching the Year 2 Assembly on Thursday.

In  Chil some of the children made warning signs using circles and triangles.

Using real coins to buy things in our shop:

We had lots of fun in the play park practising our gross motor control

Things you could do with your child....

  • ·         Talk to your child about Autumn. Take them on an Autumn walk and  talk about the signs of Autumn and how Autumn differs from the other seasons. Please continue to help your child collect Autumn leaves, conkers and sticks to use in our activities.
  • ·         Play games with alliteration
  • ·         Next week we will be focusing on rhyming words in phonics. Encourage your children to work out the odd word out when you say three words (with 2 that rhyme). Identify rhyming words in the stories that you read together.
  • ·       Ask your child what they can tell you about a circle, semi-circle and triangle.

Things to remember for next week:
We have sent home your child’s school progress book today. We would be very grateful if you could cover it with sticky back plastic or place it in a plastic wallet to protect it. Many children carry their water bottles in their book bags and we find these books as well as school books often get damaged. In this book you will find lots of useful information including the key words, letter formation and refrain to use etc. There is a section to write messages to us. Remember we will only look at these on a Wednesday so please don’t write anything urgent in the progress book. Please ensure that your child’s progress book is kept in their book bag at all times. We will inform you of the colour of reading book your child has or when they change levels in this book when the time comes.

Next week is Book Week. We are asking the children to bring in a book connected to numbers.  It may be a counting book or it may be a story involving numbers for example '10 Busy Bees'. We will share the books in school next week. Please make sure your child’s book is named.

During book week there is the Annual Book Fair which will be visiting for a few days. Any book sales will help to raise money for the school. Please see the bulletin for further information.

Next week the children will be bringing their Christmas Card design home from school which can be professionally printed for you. The details of this will be with your child’s design. Orders need to be made online by the 20th October. Christmas cards should be returned to you at the end of October/beginning of November in plenty of time for Christmas.

Our consultation are on Thursday 12th October, in the evening 3.30-7pm. Make sure you know your time slot. Consultations continue for Ducks on Monday 16th (morning) and Robins on Thursday 19th morning.

Next week’s show and tell will be for Green group.

Have a wonderful weekend,
The Year R Team