Friday 20 October 2017

Friday 20th October

Wow- we have made it to half term!! Your children have been amazing. We are really enjoying teaching them. We hope you all have a lovely restful holiday so that your children come back refreshed and ready to learn. 

This week the children sang 'Big Red Combine Harvester' in the Harvest Festival assemblies. We hope you enjoyed it. They did brilliantly. Thank you for all the donations to FEED.

On Thursday the children had their nasal flu vaccinations. They were very brave. Apparently it just tickled a bit!

The Festival of Diwali was on Thursday 19th October. The children learnt about Diwali and watched these super clips. In the first one you see a little girls preparing for Diwali. The second shows us how she celebrates Diwali. The third clip is the story of Rama and Sita. Your child may like to watch them again.

Diwali- cbeebies clips

The children made Diva lamps using clay. They will decorate them after half term.

In phonics we have focused on the sounds: p,i and n.the children have used their phoneme fingers to sound out these simple words:
p: p-i-n, p-a-t, p-a-n, p-o-p
i: i-n-, p-i-n, t-i-p, l-i-p
n: n-i-p, n-o-t, n-e-t, 

In maths this week we have re-enforced everything the children have learnt this half term. The children should be able to name the shapes circle, semi-circle, triangle, square and rectangle and describe their properties. They should have a solid understanding of the numbers 1 to 4. They should be able to count out 4 objects accurately and make 3 and 4 in different ways. They should be able to say what is 1 more and 1 less than each of these numbers.  We have done lots of counting this week on and back to 20 starting from any number. The children have been finding 1 more and 1 less for numbers up to 20. They have been learning about subitising, which is having the ability to instantaneously recognise the number of objects in a small group without the need to count them. Dice pattern recognition is one example of this. The children have also compared two groups saying which has fewer or more.

The children have been fabulous at extending their learning in Maths during ChIL this week.

The children have enjoyed using the mud kitchen this week. They have also explored Autumn art- making leaf rubbings, and Autumn installations with leaves.  They have made some rockets and background (rolling marbles in paint) for the Harpenden Building Society window display advertising the Crabtree Firework Display. They enjoyed making a den under a table.

Things to do with your child....
Encourage your child to recognise numbers in the environment and count everything! Sing number rhymes and look at number books.
Play I spy with a focus on the letter sounds your child has learnt so far: s,a,t,p,i,n. Encourage your child to use their phoneme fingers to sound out simple words and use their blending arm to blend them back together.
Identify rhyming words when reading with your child and see if they can think of any other words in the same rhyming string.
Play games using a dice such as ladybirds, snakes and ladders etc to help your child with subitising, adding and counting on.


Thank you to all of you who have ordered your Christmas cards- we have already made over £300 for the school. Don't forget the deadline for the Christmas Card orders is today Friday 20th October. Go to . There were a few technical issues last weekend but the site is now working properly.

After half term the children will be wool winding. If you have any spare wool in Autumn colours we would be very grateful if you could donate it. As always we are grateful to receive junk modelling boxes and tubes and some fresh Autumn leaves, conkers etc would also be useful for the children's Autumn art installations. Thank you in advance. 

Have a wonderful restful half term break. We look forward to seeing you next half term.
The Year R Team