Friday 16 November 2018

Friday 16th November

Useful information and requests:
  • The Christmas Fayre is on Saturday 1st December, 11-2pm
  • Reception Christmas play dates: Wednesday 19th December at 9.15 or Thursday 20th December at 10.15.
  • There will be a celebration Assembly for Mrs Pattrick on Friday 21st December at 9.15am.
  • Things to do...
  • Listen to your child read everyday. Morning time is best! Don't forget to read to your child.
  • This week the children have started phonics focusing on individual letter sounds. They have learnt the sound 'a', 't', 'p' and 'i'. See below for more information. See if your child can sound out and blend back the CVC words below.

Thank you for all the donations for 'Children in Need'. We raised £267.95.  The children's teddy bears all looked fab.

The children have practised writing their names with the correct letter formation and  a capital letter at the start. They start by tracing over their name which has been written in highlighter pen and then have a go on their own. 

Following on from lots of discussion about fireworks the children have been writing words representing firework sounds, such as 'crackle', 'pop', 'weeeee', 'fizz'. They used their phoneme fingers to help sound out the words and then looked at the alphabet cards to help them find the correct letters. 

The children also had an adult directed activity where they were taught how to join different junk modelling materials together. The children then planned what they wanted to make and practise the joining techniques they had made. There were some great creations.

The children also used the iPads in an adult directed activity this week. They had to turn on the iPad, locate Apps and make choices. They really enjoyed this!

In maths this week we have been focusing on the number 7. The children practised counting accurately by parking the cars (dominoes) in the car park and then saying how many cars were left when cars drove out of the car park. Some children went on to think of all the different ways of making 7  and recorded this either pictorially or using number sentences. 

We also played a game in maths. The children sat in a circle and took it in turns to roll 2 dice and find the total. If the total was less than 7 they stayed seated, if it was more than 7 they jumped up and ran around the circle. On the second go,  instead of running around the circle they jumped up and pointed at the number on the number line. Some children then extended this by recording the numbers that were more or less than 7. Other children worked on independent  maths activities.

The third maths activity based on the number 7 was based on cuddly toys in bed and the blankets they needed. Each pair of children were given a bed and an animal to tuck up under 3 blankets. We then asked them to add 4 more blankets and questioned the children. How many blankets are on the bed now? She's got too warm so we asked them to remove a blanket. How many now? This was then repeated taking blankets on and off as the cuddly toy was too hot and too cold. 

Some of the children had woodland learning this week and they used Autumn colours for wool winding.

Lots of fun has been had in ChIL

In phonics this week the children have learnt the sounds ,'a','t','p','i'. The children had a go at sounding and blending the following words.

'a'- ant, man, can, Sam
't'- ten, top, tip
'p'- pin, pen, pop, pan, pig, pot
'i'- pin, tip, sit, kit, in

The phonics session ended with a phonics ChIL. First all children practised forming the sound on a large sheet of paper. The children then chose other activities including alphabet puzzles, non-fiction books and rhyming games.

Enjoy your weekend!
The Year R Team