Friday 21 September 2018

Friday 21st September

Useful information and requests:

  • If you were unable to attend the 'Welcome to Reception meeting' the power point is available to read on the school website. You can also see the power point for the phonics, reading and writing Early Years presentation.
  • We would be extremely grateful if you have any small card board boxes we could have for junk modelling.
  • Things to do...
  • Read books to your child and talk about any rhyming words you come across. See if your child can continue rhyming strings.
  • Encourage your child to practise taking their shoes and socks off and putting them back on ready for PE on Monday. 
  • Please can you ensure that your child has a pair of wellies to be kept at school and brings in a coat for outdoor play.
  • We have been focusing on following instructions at school. Please can you practise with your child at home by giving them 2 or 3 instructions at a time.

This week the children completed 4 adult directed activities these were:

Expressive Arts and Design: The children were taught to overlap coloured papers as part of a design for their Christmas cards. These are then sent off to a company that make them into cards available for you to buy. Look out for the information coming soon.

Maths: The children have been learning about the oneness of '1', They were introduced to one circle which has one curved side, the numicon tile for '1', a 1p coin and they counted on and back in 1s. They found 1 item and we talked about 1 more and 1 less.

Literacy: We have been focusing on rhyming strings. The children were each given an object and then had to find other children with an object which rhymed for example: rat, cat, mat and hat. The children then came up with other rhyming words in this string and together we thought of sentences for example: The bat sat on the cat. The rat went splat on the mat. 
Other combinations included: 
dog, log, frog
bone, stone, phone,
clock, sock, lock, rock,
rug, slug, jug,
chair, bear, square
Nonsense words that rhyme are also fine.

Understanding the World: Getting to know the school grounds. The children went on a walk around the school and found the kitchen, library, Mrs Pattrick's office, the staff room, the school office, Year 1, Year 2 and the sensory garden. 

We have also focused on phonics each day. This week we have focused on sounds.
These were the activities:
1.The children explored animal sounds. The teacher described an animal and the children had to make the sound and name the animal. 
2. The teacher had a collection of objects that all made different sounds eg bells, keys, squeaky toy, clock etc. The teacher showed the children and they listened to the sounds they made. The teacher then hid the toys and the children identified them by the sound they made.
3. The children used claves to drum on different materials around the classroom/outside. We talked about the different sounds they made. The children then repeated patterns tapped out and explored making loud and quiet sounds with the claves.
4. The children were introduced to a variety of instruments and taught their names. They then guessed the instrument from the sound.
5. The teacher placed some objects with varying sounds in a box and sang 'Mrs.... has a box ee i ee i o and in the box she has a ...' STOP and get the children to listen to the sound. 

In ChIL the children have continued to explore all the areas playing inside and outside. They've enjoyed making things in the creative area,  exploring the maths equipment, playing games and finger strong activities. They've enjoyed using the mud kitchen and the big bricks, musical instruments, bikes and the car track. They have also had construction Chil where they have focused on making something specific.

Have a super weekend, 
The Year R Team