Monday 16 May 2011


Last week we had lots of fun exploring water.

We learnt how clothes used to be washed; using a washboard to scrub the clothes, how the dolly and poser washed the clothes in the water and how a mangle was used to dry the clothes. The children have had great fun using the artefacts and washing some clothes themselves.

In Literacy we wrote instructions on how to use the artefacts.

We have also conducted a floating and sinking investigation and found out which objects float and sink.

This week we are using the story 'Mr Gumpy's Outing' by John Burningham. We are going to sequence the story and write a character profile on our choosen character.

We are also going to use our investigating skills and find out how many marbles it will take to sink a paper boat.

In creative we are thinking about colour mixing to change the shade of one specific colour by adding a little bit of white paint.

Don't forget to order your photographs.

Sorry due to a problem with blog this week we are unable to load any photos.