Friday, 3 May 2019

Friday 3rd May

Useful information and requests:
  • From next week we would like the children to do ‘show and tell’. We would like each child to prepare and practise a short talk about something they are proud of. For example: They may have just learnt to ride a bike. In which case they could bring in a photograph of them on their bike and talk about how and where they learnt to ride it.   Or they may be proud of a language they speak. In which case they could explain what the language is and why they speak it/how they learnt to speak it and perhaps teach us some words! The children will be allocated a week according to their colour group. They should all know what colour group they are in. The talks will take place on Wednesday and Friday afternoons. Please ensure they have any props/photographs with them ready for the Wednesday of their week.
  • Week commencing May 7th- Red Group 
    Week commencing May13th -Blue Group
    Week commencing May 20th- Orange Group
    Week commencing June 3rd -Green Group
    Week commencing June 10th - Yellow group
  • On Thursday 23rd May it will be the Reception class Assembly. You are invited to come and watch and then come back to the class to look at the children's Learning Journals.
  • We would be very grateful if anyone has any men's white shirts we could have to use as lab coats in the role play area.
  • Things to do, to support your child...
  • The children enjoyed their measure activities this week. Please encourage them to use the language their have learnt this week Heavier, lighter, less, more, longer, shorter, longest, shortest, highest, smallest, full, empty, half full.
  • See if your child can tell you their group story. See the plans below.
  • Phonics - This week the children have learnt the digraphs- 'oi',  'er' and tri-graphs 'air' and 'ear'. From next week we will be revisiting the digraphs and tri-graphs already taught.
In maths this week the children have explored measure. They were split into groups of 20 and did a different activity each day. 

Length- The children had to find and sort objects from around the classroom that were shorter and longer than Rapunzel's plait. They then had a go at sorting several objects in length from shortest to longest.

Weight. The children had to estimate whether objects from around the classroom were heavier or lighter than the hairy little pig. They had to understand that the side of the scales that went down held the heaviest item.
Capacity: The children looked at a range of containers of varying sizes and shapes. They used rice, water and soil to fill their containers and talked about full, half-full, empty and overflowing. They learnt that containers of different shapes could contain the same amount.

In Literacy we have been continuing to learn the group stories that were planned last week. The children should know the story really well now and be ready to start writing it next week. Perhaps your child could choose one of the boxes from their story and write a sentence for it. They need to remember their capital letter at the start, finger spaces and full-stop at the end!

In phonics the children have learnt the digraphs 'oi', 'er' and tri-graphs 'air and 'ear'.
See if your child can write the following words.
'oi': coin, foil, oil, quit, coil,  soil, poison
'er': ladder, hammer, dinner, boxer, Summer, letter
'air': chair, hair, fair, stairs, pair
'ear': hear, ear, tear, fear, beard

The children have rotated around three focused activities in the afternoons this week. They had the chance to explore how they could change the shape of the clay  to build up strength in their hands by squeezing, pinching and squashing the clay.  They pretended they were using all their super hero strength to squash and squeeze. They then had to make the longest sausage they could make by rolling the clay. Finally they made a 3d person out of the clay, they had to focus on rolling, flattening, squeezing and squashing the clay.

The children had a dance session. They listened carefully to some music from 'Jack and The Beanstalk' and moved in time. They then thought about the different parts of the story such as sowing the seeds, the beanstalk growing and thought about moves representing these things.

 The final activity was a woodland learning activity in which they first spoke about Spring and the changes that Spring has brought. They were then introduced to their senses and went on a Senses Scavenger Hunt and they recorded it using pictures and words.

 The children have been very excited about our chicks. We now have 5 chicks! The children have been drawing and writing about them in ChIL.

They've had lots of fun in ChIL, We've had the dressing up, microscope and magnifying glasses in the Science lab to, water colour painting, life cycles puzzles and sheets that needed sequencing.

As part of the school's eco drive. The children are now using cups to have their milk and are pouring their milk themselves and washing up their cups. We don't want to be sending all those cartons to land fill!

Enjoy the bank holiday weekend!
The Year R Team