Useful information and requests:
- 'Show and Tell' We would like each child to prepare and practise a short talk about something they are proud of. The talks will take place on Wednesday and Friday afternoons. Please ensure they have any props/photographs with them ready for the Wednesday of their week.
- Reception Assembly is on Thursday 23rd May at 9.15 You are invited to come and watch and then come back to the class to look at the children's Learning Journals.
Week commencing May13th -Blue Group
Week commencing May 20th- Orange Group
Week commencing June 3rd -Green Group
Week commencing June 10th - Yellow group
- Things to do, to support your child...
- This week the children have been doubling and halving. See if your child can double and halve for numbers to 20.
- Phonics - This week the children have recapped the digraphs- 'ch', 'sh' and 'th'.
Our chicks are getting rather big so it is time for them to return to the farm. So the children had the chance to hold them and stroke them on Thursday.
In maths this week the children have been learning about doubling and halving. See if your child can double and halve numbers to 20.
In phonics we have started to recap some digraphs ch, sh and th.
See if your child can write sentences using words with these sounds.
The children have worked really hard at writing their stories this week. We are so impressed with how they have focused and remembered the story and used capital letters, finger spaces and full-stops.
The children enjoyed playing in the rain and sunshine this week.
The Year R Team