- 'Show and Tell' We would like each child to prepare and practise a short talk about something they are proud of. The talks will take place on Wednesday and Friday afternoon. Please ensure they have any props/photographs with them ready for the Wednesday of their week.
- Reception Assembly is on Thursday 23rd May at 9.15 You are invited to come and watch and then come back to the class to look at the children's Learning Journals.
Week commencing May 20th- Orange Group
Week commencing June 3rd -Green Group
Week commencing June 10th - Yellow group
- Things to do, to support your child...
- Next week we will be learning about time, money, 2d and 3d shapes in maths. It would benefit your child if you could speak to them about the different times of the day and what happens at these times e.g. morning/ afternoon/ evening. Talk about the days of the week and months of the year. and about the values of the different coins and perhaps they could buy something from a shop so they understand why we have money. Look at 2d and 3d shapes in the environment and see if your child can describe them.
- Phonics - This week the children have recapped the digraph- 'ng'.
We have all really enjoyed having some sunshine this week and have had lots of fun playing outside.
In phonics we have continued to recap the digraphs. This week we have looked at the digraph 'ng':
See if your child can write the words: ring, string, king, stung, ping pong, long.
We are continuing to practise the key words at school. Please can you ensure that you are practising these with your child at home too. They are essential for our children to be confident readers at Yellow Level which is where we would ideally like them to be. Choose a few words each week to focus on and play games such as pairs with them or stick them around the house so that your child has to read them when they go past them.
We have spent some time practising for our assembly this week. We look forward to seeing you there next Thursday. The children have been learning songs and rhymes and their class story to share with you.
We have focused on PSHE this week. The children have completed three adult directed activities in Jigsaw. These were:
Activity 1: What makes a good friend
First the children played a game in pairs making a jigsaw friend by rolling a dice and taking different body parts to build a friend. Then they looked at a picture of a 'lonely child'. They thought about how they could help that child and how they could be a good friend.
Activity 2: Being the best friend we can be.
The children listened to to song 'You've got a friend in me' from Toy Story. They then played a game matching pairs of friends e.g Buzz & Woody,
Timone & Pumba, Elsa & Anna, Lilo & Stitch, Marlin & Dory,
Sully & Mike, Mowgli & Baloo, Tinkerbell & Peter Pan.
We then talked about what makes a good friend and the different games we could play together.
Activity 3: Falling out and being mean. The teacher pulled out a selection of phrases from a box and the children discussed them and thought about how they would make them feel if someone said them. For example: 'You can't play with me'.
'Would you like to join us?'
'You can't come to my party'
'I like what you have made.'
'I am telling on you.'
We encouraged the children to think about what they say before they speak as everyone has feelings and we need to be kind to each other.
They then watched a clip on You tube of ‘sesame street: Cookie Monster makes Kermit mad’ We discussed the following questions: How do we know he is angry? What do people do when they are angry? We discussed the clip and how we could help Kermit feel better and how Cookie Monster could have been more considerate.
Only 1 week to go until the final half term of Reception! Where has this year gone?
The Year R Team