- It is the Reception Assembly on Thursday 1st February at 9.15am - you are welcome to come and watch. You are then invited back to the classroom to look at your child's learning journal with them. Please can your child come to school next Thursday in their pirate costume for assembly. Please can they bring their school uniform in a labelled bag to change into after assembly. Many thanks in advance.
- Thank you so much for all the helpers or made Pirate Day possible. You were fantastic!
- We would be very grateful for any donations of lentils, rice and pasta (penne preferably) it doesn't matter if these are out of date.
- If you have any out of date herbs and spices we would love them this week to continue one of our activities from pirate day.
- Do you have any coloured straws? if so we would love to use them to make necklaces
- As always we will gratefully accept junk modelling, including boxes, tubes and plastic tubs such as yoghurt pots and very clean meat trays. We are still in need of cereal boxes
Things to do...
- Recap this weeks sounds-z, zz, and qu
- Read with your child
- Our focus in maths this week has been on number formation. Please encourage your child to form their numbers 1-10 correctly.
- Ask your child all about the Pirate Day
During the day they moved around different work stations in the morning. They had the opportunity to make maps in the Captain's cabin, make eye patches out of leather, tie knots to be used on board. The pirates designed and made their own pirate flags and had to visit the ship's surgeon and assistants where many had amputations but it was OK because they were given medicine to make it better! They made necklaces with lucky doubloons, special pockets to keep their booty safe and made dice out of clay so that they could play liar dice when the seas are quite or just before bed time! (some children made 'cheaty' dice with repeated high numbers!)
Between working at the different parts of the ship there were also many chores to do such as:
- swabbing the decks
- keeping watch
- steering the ship
- canon drill
- preparing to attack!!
During the afternoon there was a pirate boot camp. During this the young pirates learnt the different parts of the ship as well as the points of the compass. They learnt how to move treasure across the dangerous waters without falling in or dropping the treasure. They also had a treasure hunt! They finished by celebrating their victory, learning some simple sea shanties and then had some pirate stories about the creatures which live beneath the waves.
In groups of 15 the children planned out a pirate story using our nine boxes.
After deciding on their story the children used the pictures to retell the story as a whole group and with their learning partners. You will have the chance to hear each groups story at assembly next week. We are looking forward to sharing them with you.
In Maths we have been focusing on number formation this week. Please can you continue to practise writing the numerals for 1-10 with your child at home.
Over the past two weeks we have also focused on the letter formation for the curly caterpillar letters as well as learning to form the letters which represent the sounds we have focused on.

These are the phrases we use to encourage the children to form their letters correctly:
c- make a curve
a-make a curve, up, down and flick
d- make a curve, go up up, come back down and flick
o-make a curve, go all the way round
s- make a curve, slope, make a curve back again
g- make a curve, up, down, down and curl
q-make a curve, up, down, down and curl
e-start in the middle, loop and curve
f-make a curve at the top, down, down and curl. lift and cross.
In phonics this week we introduced the sounds 'z', 'zz' and qu. Focusing on reading for the first day and writing on the second day for each sound. See if your child can use their phoneme fingers or robot arms to sound out these words and their blending arm to blend them back together.
They could then have a go at writing some of these words.z: zig, zag, zips, zoom, zz: buzz, fizz,
qu: quit, quiz, quick, quid
We are teaching the children little rhymes to go with each individual letter-
z: The zebra has zig, zag zips.
We also practised the formation of these letters:
z- is a zig-zag monster letter. zig, zag, zig
q- is a curly caterpillar letter. Make a curve, up, down, down and tick
u- is a long ladder letter. Start at the top, down and curve, up, down and flick.
Don't forget our Assembly on Thursday and those pirate costumes!
Have a super weekend, The Year R Team.
c- make a curve
a-make a curve, up, down and flick
d- make a curve, go up up, come back down and flick
o-make a curve, go all the way round
s- make a curve, slope, make a curve back again
g- make a curve, up, down, down and curl
q-make a curve, up, down, down and curl
e-start in the middle, loop and curve
f-make a curve at the top, down, down and curl. lift and cross.
In phonics this week we introduced the sounds 'z', 'zz' and qu. Focusing on reading for the first day and writing on the second day for each sound. See if your child can use their phoneme fingers or robot arms to sound out these words and their blending arm to blend them back together.
They could then have a go at writing some of these words.z: zig, zag, zips, zoom, zz: buzz, fizz,
qu: quit, quiz, quick, quid
We are teaching the children little rhymes to go with each individual letter-
z: The zebra has zig, zag zips.
We also practised the formation of these letters:
z- is a zig-zag monster letter. zig, zag, zig
q- is a curly caterpillar letter. Make a curve, up, down, down and tick
u- is a long ladder letter. Start at the top, down and curve, up, down and flick.
Don't forget our Assembly on Thursday and those pirate costumes!
Have a super weekend, The Year R Team.