- Requests and reminders:
- If you have any junk modelling boxes, pots and tubes (especially tubes- toilet rolls and kitchen roll tubes) please bring them in as we are running low.
- Please remember to only wave to your child when they are at the front of the queue.
- Please continue to change your child's book from the book box outside
- Things to do...
- Read to your child everyday. Talk about rhyming words.
- Sing nursery rhymes with your child. Here are some examples:
Five little Ducks went swimming one day -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCyznSQihKY
Ten green bottles sitting on the wall - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ak7kedzR8bg
Five Little Speckled Frogs - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSC-gHBU_d0
Five Current buns in a baker’s shop - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mi79hRcSXI
- Count everything. For example: ask them to lay the table with 4 forks, 4 knives etc, point out numbers and shapes in the environment.
In phonics this term we will be focusing on Phase 1. This includes rhyming, alliteraction and oral sounding and blending. We thought you may find it useful to have these links to ensure you are sounding out words correctly.
Here is a link to show you and your child how to pronounce each phoneme. At home have a go at practising each sound. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqhXUW_v-1s&app=desktop
Here is an introduction about the importance of correct sound pronunciation:
If you would like to encourage your child to practise at home it is important that your child learns to write their name with a capital letter at the beginning and all other letters as lower case letters.
It is important that your child sits at the table correctly and holds their pencil with the correct grip.
Right handed
Left handed