Dear Parents,
Welcome to your first blog post! We wanted to say a very warm welcome to Crabtree Infants School. It was so good to meet you all this week.
We have loved starting to get to know your children. I think you’ll agree that the children enjoyed exploring and having a taster of Reception life.
The children did so well coming into school on their own for the first time on Thursday and Friday. Here are some pictures of all the fun things they got up to.
Next week we will be helping the children to settle in and learn about the school routine. At home you might like to discuss the Crabtree rules with your child.
We follow instructions
We stay focused.
Be kind and honest
Keep our school clean and safe
When one person speaks we listen
Please encourage your child to practise putting on their coat and jumper and shoes and socks and discuss which colour group they are in.
Don't forget to bring some named wellies in to keep at school and add them to the class welly rack. Next week looks sunny so please send your child in with a hat and if necessary put sun cream on your child before they come to school.
When you arrive on Monday please could you ensure your child/children does/do not play with the toys on the playground. Please encourage your child to place their water bottle in the tray and book bags in their colour boxes. Your child may come in and put their coat/fleece/hat on their peg and come back out to stand with you to wait for the bell. There are sometimes a few tears as they come in but we would like to reassure you that we will look after them and usually they start smiling the moment you leave. If they really didn't settle we would phone you (this has never happened!).
On Monday Group 1 need to be picked up at 12pm. Group 2 will be staying for lunch and pick up time is 1.15.
On Tuesday Group 2 need to be picked up at 12pm. Group 1 will be staying for lunch and pick up time is 1.15.
From Wednesday all children will stay for lunch and be collected at 1.15 for the remainder of the week.
Have a lovely weekend,
The Reception Team.