Friday, 25 September 2020

Friday 25th September

  • Requests and reminders:
  • Please bring in a pair of wellies for your child and leave them on the rack outside the classroom. If it is wet the children are only allowed on the grass with wellies on.
  • Please could you make sure your child brings in a coat to school as it is getting colder. As you can imagine in this current time we have to have all the doors and windows open so even indoors is cold! Vests or thermals would also be a good idea. 
  • If you have any junk modelling boxes, pots and tubes please bring them in as we are running low. After demonstrating the junk modelling techniques this week the children were very keen to have a go!
  • Please remember to only wave to your child when they are at the front of the queue.
  • Please continue to change your child's book from the book box outside

    The children have been fantastic again this week and have coped extremely well with the long days. We have been so impressed with how they have coped with lunchtimes. They are now lining up and collecting their food from the cook and carrying their trays to the table themselves. They have had lots of fun during ChIL and have been extremely focused in their learning through play.

    Your child has completed 5 different phonics activities this week. You may like to have a go at these activities at home.

    Activity 1:  Listening walk

    This is a listening activity that can take place indoors or outdoors. Remind your child about the things that good listeners do (e.g. keep quiet, have ears and eyes ready). Invite your child to show you how good they are at listening and talk about why listening carefully is important. Encourage your child to listen attentively to the sounds around them. Talk about the different sounds they can hear. Your child could use ‘cupped ears’ or make big ears on headbands to wear as they go on the listening walk. After your child has enjoyed a listening walk indoors or outdoors, make a list of all the sounds they can remember. The list can be in words or pictures and prompted by replaying sounds recorded on the walk.


    Activity 2: Voice Sounds  

    Show your child how they can make sounds with their voices, for example: Make your voice go down a slide wheee! Make your voice bounce like a ball boing, boing Sound really disappointed oh Hiss like a snake ssssss Keep everyone quiet shshshsh Gently moo like a cow mmmoooo Look astonished oooooo! Be a steam train chchchchch Buzz like a bumble bee zzzzzzz Be a clock tick tock


    Activity 3: Rhythm and Rhyme

    Repeat the rhythm.  Clap a simple rhythm (clap, clap, clapclap) ask your child to copy. Repeat with different rhythms.

    Extension: Use stamping, tapping, instruments


    Activity 4: Alliteration

    Have some different sets of objects that begin with the same sound.  Using the sets one at a time, talk through them with your child.  E.g This is a doll, digger, dog and dinosaur.  Ask your child what sound they all start with.  Can they think of anything else that can be added to the set?


    Activity 5: Oral blending and segmenting.

     Introduce a soft toy that can only speak in ‘robot-talk’. (Robot-talk is when a word is broken down into sounds. E.g cat in robot talk would be c-a-t)

    Ask the soft toy a question – what would you like for tea today?

    Pretend the soft toy has whispered into your ear and look puzzled.

    Tell your child “he said he would like ch-ee-se” – “Do you know what he said?”

    If your child doesn’t help them or even tell them “he said cheese, ch-ee-se, cheese!”

    Ask your children to have a go at saying cheese in robot-talk

    Repeat with other questions.

    What is your favourite colour? – r-e-d

    Do you have any friends? – S-a-m, B-e-n,

    What do you like to do? – h-o-p, s-k-i-p, j-u-m-p

    Encourage your child to ask the toy questions with yes/no answers (e.g. Can you sing? Y-e-s/N-o).

    This week we have introduced the number 2.

    We showed the children what the number 2 looks like as a numeral. We showed them a semi circle and explained that it had two sides. We showed the children a 2 numicon piece

    We asked the children to go and find 2 of things.  It can be 2 shoes, 2 pencils, 2 tops, 2 dinosaurs, 2 blocks…. They had to count each set to make sure that there are 2 of everything. 

    In school the children took part in a range of activities involving the number 2.

    How many arms have you got? 2

    How many feet have you got? 2   

    How many legs have you got? 2

    How many hands have you got? 2

    In school we dressed a bear, counting the clothing items as placed on the bear. He she has a pair of socks (2 socks), a pair of shoes, a pair of gloves, a top with 2 colours, trousers/skirt with 2 colours and scarf/hat with 2 colours. 

    We introduced and allowed the children to explore techniques for junk modelling. At school we  introduced the children to the junk modelling materials. We demonstrated how we can turn a box inside out (so it can be decorated) and showed the children how to attach a tube or box to something else. We also showed them how we cut slits in the end of a tube and then fold the bits back to be able to tape the tube to something. We demonstrated when it is best to use glue and when it is better to use sticky tape. The children then had great fun exploring these techniques.

    Using glue.                                         

    Joining with slits and tape

    Have a lovely restful weekend,
    The Reception Team