- We will remember to put the box out for half termly £1 contributions next week! This is to help us buy resources and enhance your child's learning.Thank you very much for your contributions.
- The 'book look' which was cancelled on Friday 25th October has been rescheduled for Friday 29th November between 2-3 pm.
- The Christmas play will take place on 18th December at 9.15am and 19th December at 10.15am. Information about tickets will come from the office.
- The Christmas Fair is on 30th November. Please remember to support the PTA. The children will be invited to come to school in non-uniform on 29th November in exchange for a contribution for the fair.
- We would be very grateful for any contributions of beige or green ribbon for a Christmas craft.
- Things to do...
- Your child can change their book each day. We remind them when we give them a 5 minute warning before we tidy up. Some of them are not very good at changing their books! Feel free to send them back in at the end of the day if their book hasn't been
- In phonics this week the children have focused on the phonemes g,n,m,d. See if your child can segment and blend some CVC words using the phonemes already taught- s,a,t,p,i, n, m, d, g.
This week the children have been learning about the number 7 in maths. They started the week with a fluency lesson. The children were number detectives and went in search of numbers printed using dice patterns and they had to record the numbers they could find.
Over the rest of the week the children rotated around 4 activities.
These included parking cars (dominoes) in a car park. They all started with 7 and then were asked to drive three cars out, one car in etc. Each time the children used the number fans to show the correct numeral to match the number of cars that they counted in and out of the car park.
The children sat in a circle and played a game where the rolled two dice and totalled the two numbers. If the total was less than 7 they stayed where they were if it was more than 7 they ran around the circle and back to their space.
Another activity focused on counting accurately to 7. The children all had a (pretend) pizza base and they had to add toppings. But they could only have 7 of each topping. As they added the toppings they were questioned. For example: How many pieces of ham have you got (3), How many more do you need to make 7?
The children each had a bed with a cuddly toy. The children gave each toy 7 blankets. Then the toy was too hot so 3 blankets were removed. The children were questioned as blankets were added and removed.
In active learning this week the children have taken part in Woodland Learning, Junk modelling and Jigsaw.
In Woodland learning the children the children sang an Autumn Leaves song and recapped what happens in Autumn and talked about Autumn colours. The children then chose three Autumn colours and did some fabulous wool winding on a willow frame.
The Creative activity started with a recap about the previous junk modelling lesson.The children then made their own model. They thought carefully about what they wanted to make, the resources they could choose from and what they needed and how they were going to use them and join them.
In Jigsaw (PSHE) the children thought about what makes them special. First they recapped the Jigsaw rules:
We listen when others are speaking.
We take turns (speak when holding Jenie).
We always use kind words.
They talked about similarities and differences between them and their learning partner and then something they are good at that makes them special. We talked about the fact that we are all special and unique but we also have similarities and differences.
In guided writing the children have been continuing to practise their names and some of the individual letters we have taught in phonics as well as completing a cutting activity and 2 fine motor activities. Its very clear that some children have been practising their names at home. We are very grateful for your support.
The children were very lucky to take part in a trial tennis session on Wednesday afternoon after singing assembly. They will have the opportunity to join tennis club from January. Information will be sent home about it.
The children have had indoors and outdoors ChIL. They enjoyed using the painting style pointillism to make Autumn trees, writing on big sheets of paper, using indoor sand trays to form letters, playing lots of games, making a zoo with the animals and shoe boxes, junk modelling and they extended their learning in many other ways too.
In phonics this week the children have learnt the following phonemes:
n is for nose, needle, necklace, net. They segmented and blended: net, on, nap, pin
m is for Mickey Mouse, mud, mountain and Marshall. They segmented and blended: mug, map, mop, mat
d is dog, dinosaur, doll and duck. They segmented and blended:dog, doll, Dad and dig.
g:Glitch, Gorilla, Ghostbusters and green. They segmented and blended: Gran, gift, grab and grin.
On Friday the whole school had a maths morning. We had a maths ChIL in Reception. All of Reception chose from a range of maths activities including: matching numbers represented in different forms, using numicon, measuring, building towers and counting the bricks, activity sheets- one more and one less and addition. Problem solving, number formation and counting and recording.
Have a super weekend.
The Year R Team