- We will be putting the box out for half termly £1 contributions next week. This is to help us buy resources and enhance your child's learning.Thank you very much for your contributions.
- You will find your child's name in their book bag. Please can you put it in a plastic wallet and encourage them to practise the letter formation using a whiteboard pen. Then it can be wiped off and repeated!
- The 'book look' which was cancelled on Friday 25th October has been rescheduled for Friday 29th November between 2-3 pm.
- Please could we ask for shoe boxes and cereal boxes. Many thanks in advance.
- The Christmas play will take place on 18th December at 9.15am and 19th December at 10.15am. Information about tickets will come from the office.
- The Christmas Fair is on 30th November. Please remember to support the PTA. The children will be invited to come to school in non-uniform on 29th November in exchange for a contribution for the fair.
- Things to do...
- Your child can change their book each day. We remind them when we give them a 5 minute warning before we tidy up. Some of them are not very good at changing their books! Feel free to send them back in at the end of the day if their book hasn't been
- In phonics this week the children have focused on the phonemes t,i,n. See if your child can build some CVC words using the phonemes already taught- s,a,t,p,i
Thank you for all your contributions for Children In Need. The children enjoyed wearing non-uniform. We had a special assembly and the children all placed their money on Pudsey the Bear. We raised a super £264.05
We started the week with a maths fluency lesson. The children enjoyed a number hunt. They had to find pictures related to bonfire night from around the classroom and count the number of items and record this on their clipboard.
In other maths lessons this week we have focused on the number 6. The children did a range of activities. These included part-part whole. The children place 6 in the top (this is the whole) they split the 6 between the two parts. These two numbers make 6 when added together. We push them back together to make the whole!
The children used the numicon to build towers, making 6 in different ways. They started with a base with a '6' numicon piece and then matched the shape by placing pieces to make 6 on top. E.g. 6 x 1s, 3 x 2s, 2 and 4, 3 and 3, 1 and 5 etc.
The children counted accurately to 6 colouring only the pictures that contained 6 rockets.
There were 6 hoops placed on the playground and the children had to go and fetch one item to put in any of the hoops. We then counted the number of items in each hoop and thought about how many more we needed to make 6. The children then added another item into any hoop and this was repeated.
In Guided writing the children have been thinking about the sounds fireworks make. For example whizz, bang, sizzle, crackle, pop, ccccc, ppppp, zzzzz. They chose a picture of a firework to stick in their book and then had a go at writing out these firework sounds. They used their phoneme fingers to sound out the words carefully and the alphabet cards to help them find the correct letters and help them with letter formation. The other adult directed activity was focused on writing their name. The independent activities included cutting, making firework pictures from matchsticks and threading.
In phonics the children learnt the sounds t, i and p. They thought of words with these phonemes as their initial sound and thought of some words with 'i' as the middle sound. They robotted simple words such as s-i-t, i-n, t-i-p, d-i-p.
Initial sounds:
t- tap, tip, top,
i- in, ink, tip, dip, sit
p- pin, pit,
In ChIL the children loved using the chalks to make fireworks on black paper and extended their learning writing more firework sounds. They enjoyed doing marble painting and printing- making firework pictures.
Have a wonderful weekend,
The Year R Team