- Harvest Festival is on Wednesday 23rd October. The children will be reciting a poem and you are invited to watch. The Assembly we be at 9.15 and then repeated at 2.45. Please only attend one of these.
- The 'book look' has been cancelled on Friday 25th October . It has been rescheduled for Friday 29th November between 2-3 pm.
- Please can you ensure that your child's Home School Book is in your child's book bag at all times.
- Please could we ask for empty toilet roll tubes and kitchen roll tubes for making fireworks. We are also after ketchup/mayonnaise/salad cream squeezy plastic bottles to use for our paint. Many thanks in advance.
- Things to do...
- Your children all now have a reading book in their book bag. Please remember to talk through the book with your child first. Look at the cover and see if your child can tell you what the book might be about from the picture. Tell them the title. Read the blurb on the back. Look through the book together, looking at the pictures, explaining what the book is about. Look at the words and point out any tricky words or talk about the repetition on each page. Then ask your child to read the book.
- Your child can change their book each day. We remind them when we give them a 5 minute warning before we tidy up. Some of them are not very good at changing their books! Feel free to send them back in at the end of the day if their book hasn't been changed.
- Talk to your child using sound talk and see if they can use their phoneme fingers to sound out the words and blend them together. E.g. Can you pass the h-a-t? We have also been playing I-spy this week and taking about alliteration.
The children enjoyed their first Woodland Learning session this week. They had to put on their wellies and coats themselves and we went into the Robin Hood Trail. They learnt to follow instructions quickly. We talked about Autumn and then the children went on a treasure hunt. They had to collect things e.g. a green leaf, an orange leaf, a conker, a stick etc. They really loved their session.The children met the woodland learning mascot Sid Squirrel.
In maths this week we have been focusing on the number 5. The children watched these Number block episodes. They may like to watch them again. Click on the links below:
The children used Numicon to make 5 in all the different ways possible.
The children used part-part-whole. They made 5 (the whole) with 2 parts.
The final Adult Directed activity was a creative activity. The children learnt about the primary colours- red, yellow and blue and explored how they could use these three colours to make secondary colours.
In phonics this week the children had fun thinking of silly alliterative names for themselves. They also played I-spy based on the children's names in the class.
They enjoyed singing a silly song using rhyming words to the tune of Farmers in the Dell.
The bat and the cat are fat, the bat and the cat are fat AEIOU, the bat and the cat are fat.
The pet I met got wet....
The pin and the bin are tin...
The drum and the plus are glum....
The children used their voices to make different sounds to go to the story of 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt'.
The Ducks and Robins had to use their listening skills too. The teacher described an animal or type of transport and the children had to name it. Then the children had a go.
In Guided Writing the children continued with their handwriting skills -practising patterns, cutting skills and this week used the straws and buttons for their fine motor activities.
The children have enjoyed ChIL inside and outside.
Only one week to go until half term, the children are ready for a break!!
Have a lovely weekend
The Year R Team