Friday, 11 October 2019

Friday 11th October

Useful information and requests:

  • Please could we ask for rice for ChIL.
  • Harvest Festival is on Wednesday 23rd October. The children will be singing a song as a class and you are invited to watch. The Assembly we be at 9.15 and then repeated at 2.45. Please only attend one of these.
  • On Friday 25th October you are invited to come and look at your child's Learning Journal. You can drop in for 5-10 minutes anytime between 2-3pm.
  • Please can you ensure that your child's Home School Book is in your child's book bag at all times. There were many missing last week.
  • The Robins will be having their ten apple treat next Friday. They have chosen to watch a DVD. They have also said that they would like to bring in a cuddle toy/teddy bear to watch with them. So please can the children in Robin class bring a named cuddly toy next Friday.
  • Things to do...
  • Your children all now have a reading book in their book bag. Please remember to talk through the book with your child first. Look at the cover and see if your child can tell you what the book might be about from the picture. Tell them the title. Read the blurb on the back. Look through the book together, looking at the pictures, explaining what the book is about. Look at the words and point out any tricky words or talk about the repetition on each page. Then ask your child to read the book.
  • You child can change their book each day. We remind them when we give them a 5 minute warning before we tidy up. Some of them are not very good at changing their books! Feel free to send them back in at the end of the day if their book hasn't been changed.
  • Talk to your child using sound talk and see if they can use their phoneme fingers to sound out the words and blend them together. E.g. Can you pass the h-a-t?

Thank you so much for attending parents consultations. We hope you found it useful. Please remember that our door is always open if you have any concerns. You can either catch us after school or make an appointment with us through the school office.

The children have rotated around 4 adult directed activities over the week. These have included 3 maths activities and a creative activity. This week the children have been learning about the number '4'. They used the numicon pieces and made 4 in different ways thinking about all possibilities. They also used 4 reversible counters and made 4 in different ways by turning the counters over. They made squares and talked about the properties of a square and a  rectangle.

During the creative activity the children were taught how to use the creative area, step by step. They used the primary colours and painted a shape of their choice.

In phonics this week the children have played a variety of games. We played 'Potato names'. The children passed a potato around and if they had the potato they clapped, stamped, jumped the syllables/beats in their name and then the rest of the class copied. The children played a game where they took a picture out of the bag and said the word in robot speak and the rest of the class guessed their picture. We played silly soup where the children put objects into the soup with the same initial sound.

The children have continued with Guided writing this week. They are doing very well and trying very hard when writing their names using  our new cursive style.

During ChIL there have been lots of activities related to Supertato. They wrote  speech bubbles for Supertato and Evil Pea. They did potato printing and mashing potatoes. They've made their own super heroes, they've cut out the Evil Pea. They've made food using the play dough.

The children enjoyed a Physical ChIL out on the playground apparatus.

Have a lovely weekend,
The Year R Team