Friday, 25 October 2019

Friday 25th October

Useful information and requests:

  • The 'book look' which was cancelled on Friday 25th October has been rescheduled for Friday 29th November between 2-3 pm. 
  • Please can you ensure that your child's Home School Book is in your child's book bag at all times.
  • Please could we ask for small boxes for junk modelling and empty toilet roll tubes/kitchen roll tubes for making fireworks. We are also after ketchup/mayonnaise/salad cream squeezy plastic bottles to use for our paint. Many thanks in advance.
  • Things to do...
  • We have sent home a 'Magic Moments' sheet in your child's book bag. If your child does anything exciting or new or celebrates a festival (such as Diwali) or goes to a wedding or christening over the holidays please fill this in so that we can put it in your child's learning journal.
  • Over the half term have a look at the letter join website and if you have time ask your child to practise some of the handwriting patterns and possibly the letters in their name.
  • Your child could also practise their number formation. They could also practise counting 1:1 to 10 accurately.
  • Your children all now have a reading book in their book bag. Please remember to talk through the book with your child first. Look at the cover and see if your child can tell you what the book might be about from the picture. Tell them the title. Read the blurb on the back. Look through the book together, looking at the pictures, explaining what the book is about. Look at the words and point out any tricky words or talk about the repetition on each page. Then ask your child to read the book.
  • Your child can change their book each day. We remind them when we give them a 5 minute warning before we tidy up. Some of them are not very good at changing their books! Feel free to send them back in at the end of the day if their book hasn't been changed.
  • Talk to your child using sound talk and see if they can use their phoneme fingers to sound out the words and blend them together. E.g. Can you pass the h-a-t? We have also been playing I-spy this week and taking about alliteration.

We have made it through the first half term! This is always a hard half term as the children have had to get used to rules and routines and have had to come to school everyday, they are shattered!! Please ensure that your child has lots of early nights and quiet time over the next week so they can recuperate ready for another hectic term full of Christmas excitement

In maths this week the children have been recapping the numbers 1-5. They have been learning to form these numbers correctly. They've been finding one more than and one less than. They have practised counting accurately and ordering numbers. The children went on a number hunt and had to count pictures and record how many they found of each picture. They have also been naming and describing the properties of 2d shapes including circle, semi-circle, triangle, rectangle, square, rectangle and pentagon.They sorted shapes and guessed the shape described by their partner. They enjoyed watching the shape song on the IWB. they may like to watch it at home. Here is the link: 'I'm a Square'

In phonics this week the children have continued with rhyming words passing them around the circle.  They played rhyming bingo. They practised alliteration, first thinking of lots of different words starting with the same sound and then making up silly sentences using some of them.  A range of  toys were put in the middle of the circle which were used to play 'I spy' first with initial sounds and then by segmenting the words for the rest of the class to blend back together.

In ChIL the children have played maths games e.g. the Ladybird game and a Percy Park Keeper matching game. They learnt how to take turns and not be a sore looser! They have counted conkers into pots placing the correct number of conkers into the pot with the matching numeral. They have looked at and compared a cooked and raw pumpkin and had the opportunity to draw it. They have chosen vegetables to put in a soup and cut the pictures out and have written the matching initial sound for each vegetable. The children made a pumpkin soup in groups of 15 with the class teacher and enjoyed eating it. The children have also enjoyed leaf rubbing.

Diwali starts on the 27th October. The children watched  several video clips and discussed the festival of Diwali. They particularly enjoyed The story of Rama and Sita. Click the Link Rama and Sita
They had some Diwali activities in ChIL including Rangoli patterns and pretend Henna painting. they also coloured and cut out Diva lamps.

Have a super half term break,
The Year R Team