Friday, 5 July 2019

Friday 5th July

Useful information and requests:
  • Next week (8th July) is Cultural week and this year we will be learning all about France. On Friday 12th please can your child wear a top that is blue, white or red with their uniform.  The children will be taking part in an obstacle course to end our Cultural week 'Tour de Crabtree!' The children will be rotating around the classrooms taking part in different activities over the week.
  • Your child needs to bring in a plate of food for themselves to eat on Friday afternoon at our French Street Party. Please ensure there are no nuts. These plates cannot be kept in a fridge at school.
  • On the morning of Thursday 11th July the children will visit their new classrooms and teachers. Open evening is also on the 11th July, 5-7pm. You can have a walk around your child's current classroom as well as having the opportunity to go and look around your child's new classroom and meet their new teacher.
  • Check book bags for your child's report.
  • We will be having a Teddy Bear's picnic on Monday 15th July at 2pm. You are invited to join us for singing and to say goodbye to Mrs Meade.
  • Things to do, to support your child...
  • recap this weeks phonics -we have started to learn the clusters.This week we focused on the clusters br, dr and st (at the beginning and end of words).
  • Keep reading with your child and check their key words.

This week the children have been learning all about money in maths. They have sorted coins, totalled money in piggy banks and coloured coins correctly. They have also practised paying for items in our pretend shop using 1p and 2p coins. When counting coins we tap the value on each coin e.g. 1 tap on a penny, 2 taps on a 2p piece.

In guided writing this week the children have completed some fine motor activities, observational drawings of a section of a picture, cutting skills and interventions- focusing on individual targets.

In phonics the children have been learning about clusters. There are common clusters that often go together.
br- bright, bridge, brow, bring, brain, bricks, brush
dr- drink, drop, drip, drag, droop, drench
st (at the beginning) string, stop, stand, stamp, star, stay
st (at the end): toast, roast, chest, twist, last

On Friday it was friendship day. The children had special class Assembly all about friendship and being kind. 

In Jigsaw the children rotated around a range of activities all about 'Changing Me'.

  • Body parts: The children named body parts and discussed the fact that some body parts are private.
  • Growing up: We discussed how we change as we grow from a baby
  • Fun and Fears: The children learnt about different emotions and how to deal with worries. We talked about the transition to year 1 and how they were feeling about it.
  • Celebration: We talked about all the things the children have learnt and achieved this year and some of their favourite memories.

The children have also had lots of fun in ChIL.

We cannot believe that we only have 2 weeks left of this school year. 
Enjoy your weekend.
The Year R Team