Friday, 12 July 2019

Friday 12th July

Useful information and requests:
  • On Monday 15th July we will be having a teddy bear's picnic to say farewell to Mrs Meade. Please could all children bring in a teddy bear on that day.
    Two adults per child are invited to join us at 2pm for songs and a picnic. 
    If you are able to come please bring a picnic blanket and something for you all to eat. If  you are not able to come please supply your child with a plate of food (we will not be able to refrigerate any food).
    Please note that we are a nut free school.
  • Mrs Meade's leaving Assembly is on Friday 19th at 9.15.There will also be a celebration assembly in the afternoon.
  • We would be very grateful if you have any clean tomato/salad cream/mayonnaise squeezy bottles that we can use for paint.
  • Things to do, to support your child...
  • Keep reading with your child. 
  • Your child would really benefit if you could continue to recap their phonics and maths skills over the summer as children often take a step backwards if they have too much of a break. Encourage them to write lists and postcards and have lots of fun!

The children loved visiting their new classrooms and teachers this week. They seem very excited about the move to Year 1. We hope you enjoyed open evening.

This week was Cultural week and because it coincides with the Tour de France the children have been learning all about France. The week started with an assembly explaining a little about the race, including the different stages and coloured jerseys.
The children went to all the classrooms/teachers over the week to complete a range of activities.
These included:
Collage in the style of Matisse.
Observational drawing of the Mona Lisa.
Learning about Rodin's sculpture 'The Thinker'- the children drew a picture of what he might be thinking!
Learning French songs with our fabulous Mrs Fitzsimons.
The children also made French menus
They sketched famous French buildings.

The children looked fabulous in their French colours.

The 'Tour de Crabtree' obstacle course was lots of fun. The children swam across the Channel and went through the Eurotunnel, over the Pyrennes, over the Alps, across the bridge (over the Siene) and finished at the Arc de Triumph.

The Ducks cheered the Robins on and the Robins cheered the Ducks on!

The children sang french songs in the afternoon and had a fantastic street party! See if your child can sing the songs for you - they were brilliant!

The children have enjoyed ChIL this week too.

In PE this week the children went outdoors and did races on the field. 
These included: 
  • the sack race  
  • balancing a beanbag on a racket race, 
  • A skipping hula hoop race
  •  a hockey race -dribbling the ball between the cones..

Only one week to go in Reception. This year has gone so quickly! Have a great weekend.
The  Year R Team