Useful information and requests:
- Term starts on Tuesday 3rd September at 8.50am.
- Things to do, to support your child...
- It would really benefit your child to keep reading to them and listening to them read over the holidays. There is a great reading challenge that they can take part in at the library. They have learnt about this in an Assembly.
- Play lots of board games. Look at numbers,shapes and words in the environment and count everything!! Try to recap the phonemes taught this year and encourage your child to use their phonic knowledge to write lists, postcards, stories, information books, instructions etc
- Make sure your child can read all 45 high frequency words and better still write them!
We are very sad to see Mrs Meade leave. Thank you all so much for coming to her 'Teddy Bear's picnic'. It was lovely to see so many of you there. We hope you enjoyed it too.
Thank you so much for being such supportive parents this year and for all the generous gifts we have received. We have really enjoyed teaching your children. Have a wonderful restful summer holiday.
Mrs Meade, Mrs Parkin, Miss Cane, Mrs Hall, Mrs Fizsimons and Miss Kelly
A message from Mrs Meade
To All the Dear, Dear Parents of Ducks 2019
Thank you so much for making my last year so special. I have
really enjoyed teaching all of your wonderful children. They are truly
Thank you for your kind messages and very generous gifts, you
are very kind. I will buy something very special as a reminder of your children
and every time I look at it I will think of them all.
I loved the card with pictures of the children and their
names, you may be surprised to know that I have kept every one that I have ever
been given – that’s how much they mean to me.
Thank you for being so supportive over the last year.
Teaching children is a partnership and I feel that we have forged a really good one, and that everyone, children, parents and myself are
the better for it.
So it is goodbye from me. I will enjoy being able to go the
shops when they aren’t busy, being able to go on holidays when it’s cheaper, drinking
a hot cup of tea, going to the toilet whenever I need to, going out for coffee
and lazy lunches! I live in Harpenden and may or may not see around you but I
will thinking of you all and Crabtree.
With Love and Best Wishes
Karen Meade