Useful information and requests:
- Reception Fair trade Cafe: Tuesday 12th March. You are invited to come along and sit with your child and buy some fair trade food and drink from our cafe. We will also be running a competition guessing the height of the bear in multi-link cubes. This is in aid of treatment for a little girl in Woodpecker's class who has high-risk neuroblastoma. She was in Robins' class last year and we want to do everything we can to help her. If you would like to learn more about Jossie this is the link to her Just Giving page: Jossie
- Parent consultations are on Monday 18th March 9-12 for Ducks. Wednesday 20th March 9-12 for Robins. Evening of Thursday 21st March for Ducks and Robins.
- Snacks were discussed at the last Parent forum. Some parents has requested for children to bring in their own snacks as their child does not always like what the school provides. The school snack will still be provided but children are now also allowed to bring in their own healthy snack from home. This needs to be provided in a named tupper ware box and create no rubbish (plastic wrappers). Please see the bulletin for further information.
- Things to do to support your child...
- Listen to your child read everyday. Morning time is best! Don't forget to read to your child, this helps them understand the importance of expression and they learn new vocabulary.
- Remember to focus on those high frequency words that have been sent home. The children need to recognise and read all 45 of them by the end of Reception.
- The children have been learning about subtraction/take away. Please talk about this at home. The children need to understand that when we subtract the answer will always be smaller than what we started with and when we add the answer is always bigger.
- In phonics the children have focused on the digraphs: th and sh this week.
World book day was lots of fun. Thank you for making so much effort with the children's costumes. They all looked fabulous. They really enjoyed sharing their books with their learning partners.
In guided writing this week the children have been writing speech bubbles for super heroes. They thought of their sentence, said their sentence (repeating it) and wrote their sentence. They thought hard about starting with a capital letter, using finger spaces and ending with a full-stop. They used their fingers to sound out the words carefully. Another group worked with an adult writing sentences based on a picture. Then there were three independent groups who: wrote lists of animals from a picture, used their cutting skills and did a fine motor activity.
The children enjoyed bringing their teddies into school and have made super masks and capes for them.
In ChIL they have also continued other super hero activities such as writing wearing super hero cloaks. They have enjoyed playing outside and have had a chance to use the beebots and ipads. They have completed missing number sheets.
In maths this week the children have been practising their subtraction. Initially they used multi-link or fingers to support them. Some children then moved on to using a number line and counting back. They had to complete number sentences which increased in difficulty throughout the week. We started with simple number sentences such as 5-1= and then moved on to subtraction from numbers to 10 and then numbers to 20. If the children succeeded with this they were then extended further. They were asked to find missing numbers in number sentences. For example 9-?= 5. Some children then began to understand if we know that 9-4=5 we also know that 4 + 5= 9.
The Ducks had the opportunity to go to the ICT suite in the Junior School this week. They learnt how to click and drag with the mouse using the program 2 Simple. Next week it will be the Robins' turn.
Robins' had their Circus Skills session this week. They had lots of fun.
In phonics this week the children have learnt the digraphs 'th' and 'sh' . Ask your child to sound out these words and blend them back together.
th: thumb, thick, thin, teeth,think, three
sh:fish, dish, ship, shop, shark, shell, shed
We look forward to seeing you at our Fair trade Cafe next Tuesday.
The Year R Team