- Please can we ask all the children to bring a teddy bear to school next week to dress as a super hero. The children will have the chance to make cloaks and masks for their bear at school.Please can this stay in school all week (so don't bring your child's favourite night time teddy!).
- World Book Day-7th March. Please can your child dress up as their favourite book character on Thursday. Please can they bring in their favourite book at the beginning of the week, leaving it at school for the week so we have the chance to look at them all.
- Reception Fair trade Cafe: Tuesday 12th March. You are invited to come along and sit with your child and buy some fair trade food and drink from our cafe.
- Parent consultations are on Monday 18th March 9-12 for Ducks. Wednesday 20th March 9-12 for Robins. Evening of Thursday 21st March for Ducks and Robins.
- There are still some children without a PE kit. Please can every child have a pair of navy shorts and a school PE t-shirt (light blue) labelled and in a bag.
- Things to do...
- Listen to your child read everyday. Morning time is best! Don't forget to read to your child, this helps them understand the importance of expression and they learn new vocabulary. Remember to focus on those high frequency words that have been sent home. The children need to recognise and read all 45 of them by the end of Reception.
- The children have been learning about subtraction/take away. Please talk about this at home.
This week we have focused on PSHE/Jigsaw in adult directed activities.We have been thinking about dreams and goals. The children listened to the story of 'The Hare and the Tortoise' and 'Love Monster'. We then talked about how if we keep trying we can succeed at things we didn't think that we could do. We watched a video clip of a child learning to walk and how they had to keep practising and sometimes fell over but eventually learnt to walk. The children learnt that even if they find something difficult they will get better if they keep trying and don't give up. We also talked about the fact that the children can help each other and work together to improve at something and can always ask an adult for help if they are finding something difficult.
In maths, the children have been learning about subtraction. The children understand that when we subtract the answer is always smaller than the number we start with. The children rotated around 4 activities:
Bus Activity: The children put 8 children on a bus and then rolled the dice and took away that number of children. They had to say how many children were left on the bus.
Multilink Activity: The children were given 7 unifix cubes and were asked to take away different amounts.
Foam tens frames activity: The children each had a tens frame with 10 foam counters. They spun the spinner and subtracted that number.
Duck Activity: The were 9 ducks in the pond and the teacher told the children how many swam away.
The teacher modelled how to record the subtraction either pictorially or using a number sentence. The children then had a go at recording their own subtraction.
In ICT the children were introduced to the Beebots. They had to programme the toy to move from one place to another. They then had the opportunity to use the ipads for a similar game.
In the Creative activity the children practised their colour mixing skills and painted pictures of witches and wizards.
We have started Guided writing sessions as part of our finger strong this week. One group each day has worked with an adult using their phonemes to write lists. Another group has worked with an adult writing sentences based on a picture. The children sounded each word out and attempted to write their sentence sometimes with a little encouragement to remember finger spaces and a capital letter at the start and full stop at the end. Some of the children used an alphabet card to help them form the letters correctly. The other activities included cutting skills, threading and independent sentence writing.
We have enjoyed the sunshine this week. The children had fun outside but also enjoyed all the witch, wizard and super hero activities we have had this week. The children have had the chance to write books of spells, write magic words, complete missing number patterns, paint etc
On Friday we were lucky enough to have a visit from a famous athlete. The children had a chance to take part in an athletic circuit and had a special assembly with a famous paralympian. They met Sean Rose. In 2000 when he was working as a ski instructor he had a terrible accident. He broke his back which left him paralysed from the waist down. But he persevered and became a double winter paralympian as well as a world skiing and water skiing champion. In 2013 Sean retired from competitive skiing and is now a motivational speaker. He has taught us that however difficult a challenge, we should all achieve more in life.