- The Reception class Assembly will be on Thursday 24th May at 9.15. Please can the children come to school in their Fairy tale costume (please also bring school clothes in a bag).We very much hope that you will be able to attend. There will be an opportunity to look at your child's learning journal after the assembly.
- We are trying to raise as much money as possible to help Jossie. We are planning to hold a silent auction and are in need of prizes. If anyone is able to get hold of prizes or offer a service such as: babysitting, French lessons, tutoring, a few hours of DIY we would be very grateful. Also if you have any connections who could provide prizes please ask!
- We are still looking for natural materials to be used in the mud kitchen including fir cones, small sticks, shells and stones. We are also in need of more lentils, rice and pasta for our trays.
- Please can we remind you to ensure that your child has a water bottle, a hat and please apply sun cream before school.
- If you have any large square or rectangular scarves that you no longer need we would be very grateful if you could donate them to us for dressing up.
- We are now collecting empty Heinz tomato ketchup/salad cream (400ml) bottles to use for paint.
- Things to do...
- We have revised the the phase 3 sound - ch, sh, th, ng
- Please read with your child. Encourage your child to first tell the story using the pictures, identify high frequency words on each page and then encourage your child to sound out and blend words together. Once your child has decoded a sentence it is important to encourage them to go back and re-read the sentence to gain fluency and work on expression.
- Ask your child to count on and back from any number up to 20. Ask them to tell you what is 1 more and 1 less. Encourage your child to have a go at counting in 2s or 5s or 10s.
- Please read fairy tales and traditional tales with/to your child.
On Friday we had great fun celebrating the Royal Wedding. During the week our Literacy activities have been linked to the wedding and our Fairy tales workshop. The children had to write a simple sentence inviting their friend to the celebrations and think about a capital letter at the beginning, finger spaces and a full stop. They also talked about the layout of the invitation. The children also thought about the clothes they may wear for such a celebration. They then drew and labelled pictures of themselves in their party clothes.
On Friday we started the day with an assembly introducing the Royal wedding. Some of the Juniors in year 6 then came to make things with us. The children made crowns and flags.
After playtime we went for a colour run around the field. Thank you for all the donations you made towards Jossie's fund. In reception we collected a whopping £200!
In the afternoon we had a lovely picnic on the field.
Other adult directed activities this week have included: making bread, using the iPads and making potions.
First they looked at a book of spells and discovered there were no spells written in it so they had to think of some themselves. They then went outside to collect some ingredients. They followed the recipe to turn someone into a slug, a frog, a millipede. Each recipe had to have 3 ingredients. The children then made their own recipes up.
During ChIL some of the children have chosen to do activities related to the Royal Wedding.
In phonics this week we have recapped more of the Phases 3 sounds. Please encourage your child to read and write these words.
ch- chair, cheese, chick, chat, rich, chin, cheek, chips
sh- sheep, shark, fish, ship, cash
th- thumb, thump, thin, thick, moth, three
ng- king, long, ring, sang, song, bang, gong
Have a lovely weekend,
The Year R Team