- Next Friday we will be celebrating Prince Harry and Meghan's wedding. The children are allowed to come to school dressed in red, white and blue. In the morning some Year 6 children will be coming to do some fun activities with us. After break the children will be taking part in a walk to raise money for Jossie's treatment. Please bring in donations which can be placed in a pot in the classroom or you may wish to make a donation on her Just Giving Page so that they can claim gift aid. The link is in this weeks bulletin. In the afternoon the children will be having a picnic. Please can they bring a plate of food to eat at our party. This must not contain nuts and will not be kept in the fridge so please be mindful of this.
- We are trying to raise as much money as possible to help Jossie. We are planning to hold a silent auction and are in need of prizes. If anyone is able to get hold of prizes or offer a service such as: 5 hours babysitting, French lessons, tutoring... we would be very grateful.
- We are still looking for natural materials to be used in the mud kitchen including fir cones, small sticks, shells and stones.
- Please can we remind you to ensure that your child has a water bottle, a hat and please apply sun cream before school.
- The Reception class Assembly will be on Thursday 24th May at 9.15. We very much hope that you will be able to attend. There will be an opportunity to look at your child's work after the assembly.
- Things to do...
- We have revised the the phase 3 sounds. v,j,x, w, y, z, zz and qu
- Please read with your child. Encourage your child to first tell the story using the pictures, identify high frequency words on each page and then encourage your child to sound out and blend words together. Once your child has decoded a sentence it is important to encourage them to go back and re-read the sentence to gain fluency and work on expression.
- Ask your child to count on and back from any number up to 20. Ask them to tell you what is 1 more and 1 less. Encourage your child to have a go at counting in 2s or 5s or 10s.
- Please read fairy tales and traditional tales with/to your child.
The children had a fantastic day on Thursday. Thank you so much to all our adult helpers, we loved the costumes. It was great that so many people made so much effort. We are very grateful to those of you who stepped in at the last minute. The children also looked fabulous.
In the morning we had ten working stations set up in the 'Castle'- these were:
- a sorcerers table, where spells were mixed
- a posy making table (to sniff as the Castle could be a very smelly place)
- An ink makers (the children made ink and wrote and drew with it).
- A finger guard making station (where the children hammered a pattern into leather and joined the guard with some string).
- soap making
- cake icing
- gargoyle making from clay
- braid and bracelet making
- portrait painting
- pot making and bean planting
The children also cooked in a cauldron in the middle of the castle and had some bow and arrow training.
The children were all incredibly motivated and focused and had an extremely exciting morning.
In the afternoon it was time for the royal banquet to celebrate the we wedding of the princess. All the children had a role. There were groups of entertainers:
- singers
- dancers
- actors
- jesters/jugglers
In phonics this week the children have continued to revise the phase 3 phonemes. They have practised reading and writing the phonemes: v, j, x, w, y, z, zz, qu
v: vet, van,
j: jet, jog, job, jam,
x: mix, fix, box, six
w: wag, wig, win, window,
y: yak, yum, yo-yo
z: zip, zig-zag, zoo, zoom,
zz: buzz, fizz, whizz
qu: queen, quiz, quid quick
In maths the children have continued to practise subtraction. The children were given number sentences. Some used apparatus counting out the first number and taking away from it and counting the remainder. Others used a number line and found the first number and counted back the number being taken away.
Some of the children then worked out the missing number using their addition and subtraction knowledge.
Reception have enjoyed lots of ChIL outside this week.
Thank you again to all our fabulous helpers on Thursday. We couldn't have fantastic workshops without your help and support.
Have a lovely weekend, fingers crossed for some more sunshine!
The Year R Team