- Please ensure that your child has a hat and comes to school with sun cream applied. They may also bring a named bottle of sun cream. Your child will need to be able to re apply it themselves.
- We will be putting the basket out on Monday for our half termly donation. We would be very grateful if you could donate as we have lots or resources we would like to buy to enhance the children's learning.
- We wondered whether anyone had any sunglasses we could have for dressing up please.
- We are also in need of some long (10 cm) flat ended nails for the children to use (with supervision).
- If anyone has any dried petals, lavender, herbs, tea leaves for potion making, that would be very helpful.
- We are in need of spare socks for both boys and girls please. URGENT.
- Please ensure your child has a spare set of clothes in their bag.
- Things to do...
- This week the children have started phase 4 phonics. We are learning about clusters. Two sounds commonly found together such as 'br' and 'dr'. The children are practising reading longer words made up of consonant-consonant- vowel- consonant such as d-r-o-p. Encourage your child to sound and blend longer words.
- Recap the digraphs that your child finds tricky. There are lots of Power Points in the home learning that you can use. Also please keep practising the key words.
- Please read lots of fairy tales at home and discuss how the same story may vary depending on the author. For example sometimes the wolf is killed by the woodchopper and sometimes it is not!
- Play lots of maths games at home. Count everything.
What a great start to the new half term! We had the most fantastic Fairy Tale workshop on Thursday. Have a look at all the wonderful photographs below.
This term we are focusing on traditional tales. We have set up the role play area as Grandmother's cottage in Little Red Riding Hood. The children have had lots of fun re-enacting the story this week. In Literacy the children have been writing the story of 'Little Red Riding Hood' too and writing a list of using an I-spy picture.
In maths the children have been recapping their learning about 3D shapes. After playing the feely bag game they had a maths ChIL during which they accessed some shape activities.
The children enjoyed singing along to this song. 3d shape song:
We have been reciting some rhymes to help us recognise the 3d shapes. These are:
Cube, cube what’s
your clue - 6 square faces all over you
Cuboid, cuboid
what’s your clue - You look like a tissue box achooo!
Cylinder, cylinder
what’s your clue - You can stand up or roll about too
Sphere, sphere
what’s your clue - You look like a ball that you kick with your shoe
Cone, cone
what’s your clue - Don’t let your ice cream drip on you!
We have also been focusing on number formation using the rhymes that we added in the home learning from Miss Ellis. Your child may enjoy watching the video clip and forming the letters along with it.
It was a shame that we couldn't invite parent helpers in for the workshop this year but luckily we managed to gather enough adults who work in school to help us and had a very successful day. We hope the children have already told you all about it!
The hall was set up as the grounds of a castle with lots of activities for the children to work around in order to experience what life would be like living in a castle. These were the activities:
Station One: colour mixing, painting pictures of fairy tale characters or painting their name
Station Two: Making ink and writing stories or their name
Station Three: Making plant pots and planting a magic seed
Station Four: Scent Bag Makers The children will make cotton bags and put crushed herbs (lavender, roses, majoram, thyme etc.) in them.
Station Five: Soap making. choosing herbs and dried flowers and mixing with soap flakes and water to make their own scented soap.
Station Six: Spell Makers The sorcerer, with her assistants, prepared magic spells.
Station Seven: Leather Workers. Making leather finger protectors for the archers.
Station Eight: Potters Making clay gargoyles for the great hall.
In the afternoon it was explained that there was due to be a wedding in the castle but all the entertainers had gone missing. The children were split into groups for a round robin of activities.
There were: jesters who juggled and walked the tightrope, dancers, singing of three blind mice in a round, singing of sing a song of six pence' and jousting.
We were very excited to see that some of our vegetables and herb plants had started to grow! We are now having to be really careful to remember to water them everyday!
In ChIl the children have enjoyed re-enacting Little Red Riding Hood in the role play area, The children enjoyed paddling in the small pools (they had to practise taking their shoes and socks off and on).
Have a lovely weekend!
The Year R Team