Friday, 13 March 2020

Friday 13th March

  • Requests and reminders:
  • Please can the children bring their Reading Challenge sheet in every Wednesday so that we can tally the number of books read each week.
  •  'Show and Tell' on Wednesday afternoons:
Wednesday   18th March      BLUE GROUP
Wednesday   25th March      GREEN GROUP
  • Don't forget Parent Consultations next week. They are: Robins: morning of Monday 16th March. Ducks: morning of Wednesday 18th March. Robins and Ducks Wednesday  (Evening).
  • If you have any junk modelling boxes and pots and tubes please bring them in as we are running low.
  • We are in need of boys pants if anyone has any spare. Many thanks.

      Things to do...
    • This week the children have been taught the digraphs 'ee', 'ai'  'and the trigraph 'igh'. Please encourage them to identify these digraphs/trigraph in books. Can they segment and blend simple words using these sounds?
    • Please remember to help your child learn their key words. It helps to stick them on post-its around the house to be read each time they walk past. You could also focus on a few words and play snap or pairs with them. The children's reading improves very quickly once they are able to recognise these words. In order for children to read Yellow books they need to be reading red with fluency which means recognising the key words.
    •  In maths this week the children have been ordering numbers to 20 and finding missing numbers on a number track. They have also been finding one more and one less.

    On Friday the children looked super in their sporty clothes. The Reception raised £90.71 for Sports Relief. A huge thank you to everyone.

    The children are very excited about the arrival of our caterpillars which we will watch grow into butterflies.  We can't wait to see how much they have grown over the weekend. Next week we are focusing on the story of The hungry Caterpillar as part of our 'growing' topic.

    We have moved on to some tricky digraphs and a trigraph. Please encourage your child to identify words with these digraphs/trigraph in texts. See if they can have a go at writing the words.
    ai- rain, brain, hail, trail, sail, train
    ee- sheep, green, tree, sweet, bee, three
    igh- light, right, high, night, bright, tights,

    In maths the children have been working with numbers to 20. They had to order and stick the numbers 1-20 in the correct order. They also had to find missing numbers on a number track. The children have also been finding 1 more and 1 less for numbers to 20.

    In the afternoons the children have participated in three activities. 
    In their woodland learning activity they have been planting sunflower seeds. They can take part in our competition to see who can grow the tallest sunflower. Further details to follow.

    The children learnt about the artist Vincent van Gogh. They then concentrated very hard and used the pastels to create their own 'Sunflowers' picture.

    The final activity was an ICT activity. The children used the Beebots. They had to programme the Beebot to move from one place to another. They worked in pairs.


    In guided writing the children have labelled a picture of a plant, identifying the flower head/ petals, stem, leaves and roots. They then wrote a sentence about the picture. The children worked independently writing lists using picture clues. One group had a fine motor activity and one practised their cutting skills.There was a further group who did some secret writing!

    Enjoy your weekend,
    The Year R Team