Friday, 14 February 2020

Friday 14th February

  • Requests and reminders:
  • After half term the children will be doing 'Show and Tell' on a Wednesday afternoon. This needs to reflect their learning or tell us about any family traditions. For example about how they celebrated Diwali, about a Christening they have attended, it could be about Emergency Services' or  an extra curricula activity they are participating in.  They could bring photos and will need to practise at home so that they know what to say. Thank you in advance for your help.
Wednesday 26th February    RED GROUP
Wednesday   4th March        YELLOW GROUP
Wednesday  11th March       ORANGE GROUP
Wednesday   18th March      BLUE GROUP
Wednesday   25th March      GREEN GROUP
  • Fair trade cafe- you are invited to come to our Reception Fair trade cafe on Monday 2nd March at 9.15 am-10am. The children will be able to sit with you and have a snack and drink at the cafe and will then sing a song before you head home. If you are unable to attend, your child may bring in some money to buy something from the cafe. If you can arrange for another parent to sit with them that would be super.
    Things to do...
  • The children will be bringing home a 'Magic moments' sheet with them today. We would be very grateful if you could record something new that they have learnt about over the half term holiday.
  • This week the children have been taught the phoneme 'y', 'z' and greedy 'zz'. Please ask your child to sound out words using the phonemes taught so far.
  • Please remember to help your child learn their key words. It helps to stick them on post-its around the house to be read each time they walk past. You could also focus on a few and play snap or pairs with them. The children's reading improves very quickly once they are able to recognise these words. In order for children to read Yellow books they need to be reading read with fluency which means recognising the key words.
  • If your child is reading Pink books please ensure that they are looking at and pointing at the words. They will need to use the repetition and picture clues but ensure that they understand the word correspondence. If the sentence says 'The planes are at the airport', then 'The vans are at the airport' ask your child to identify the words 'the' , 'at' etc and ask them how they know it is 'planes or 'vans' they may have used the picture clue but then show them that the first sound is a 'v' and sound out the word if it is a simple word to reinforce this.
  •  In maths this week the children have focusing on 2d shapes. they have been naming them and describing their properties.
  • Please encourage your child to enter our Fair trade competition. The winner will get an easter egg! See the bulletin for more details. Due in after half term.

This week we have been continuing to learn about the 'Emergency Services'. We had an exciting visit from the Fire Brigade. The Ducks had a talk from the Firefighters and learnt about all the equipment they use and what emergency services you can get hold of if you call 999 or 112. Our children knew that there were 5 emergency services- the police, the fire brigade, the emergency medical service, the coastguard/lifeboat and the Mountain rescue. The Firefighters were impressed with the children's knowledge.

The Robins were lucky enough to go outside and see the fire engine and climb on it. They looked at all the equipment used. But just as the two classes were about to swap over, the Firefighters had an emergency call and had to dash off. It was very exciting!!! One of the firemen was just demonstrating his breathing equipment and he had to remove it all very quickly. There were Robin children on the Fire engine and they had to climb out quickly. They have promised to come back soon so that we can learn some more interesting facts!! They've said if they come back when it is warmer we can have a go spraying water from the hose!

In maths this week the children have been learning about 2d shapes. The children had to follow the policeman's clues to find the correct shapes around the classroom. They sorted shapes and talked about their properties. Encourage your child to spot 2d shapes in the environment. Take turns to describe shapes and name them. They enjoyed singing some shape songs. Your child may like to watch the clip below.

2d shape song
Shape song 2

Pictures of shapes we found in the environment.

In woodland Learning the children have continued to make their apple and sunflower seed bird feeders. They have really enjoyed doing this.

In phonics this week the children have learnt the phonemes 'y','z' and greedy 'zz'. These are the words that we segmented and blended and then had a go at writing.

y: yuk, tell, yum, yap, yak
z: zip, zig-zag, zoo, zoom, 
zz: Buzz, fizz, jazz,

In ChIL the children have really loved playing in our 'Emergency Services' role play area. They have enjoyed drawing shape pictures and have been very motivated by our Fire brigade visit. They've done lots of writing and pictures about the Firefighters and their fire engine. The children have continued to extend their learning about time. They have had fun drawing road maps  on large pieces of paper and using the small cars on them.

We are now half way through the school year. Time really does fly by!!!
Have a lovely break over half term. The children are very tired and ready for a rest!
The Year R Team