- If you were unable to attend the Reception Induction meeting please read the power point notes on the school website.
- There is a 'Reading, Writing and Maths' workshop on Wednesday 25th September at 7.30pm which gives a great incite into helping your child learn to read, write and learn maths.
- The children will have PE every Monday. They will need bare feet so if they find removing tights tricky this may be a good day to wear socks!
- We have been thinking carefully about the topics we will be looking at this year. In Spring we plan to think about people in the community who help us. We are hoping to have a visit from the fire brigade and the police. We were wondering if there were any parents who could come and talk about their job and how they help others for example, if you are a doctor, dentist, nurse, dental hygienist etc Please let us know if you would be happy to do this.
- Things to do...
- Read books to your child and talk about any rhyming words you come across.
- Encourage your child to practise taking their shoes and socks off and putting them back on ready for PE on Monday. Practise putting jumper on and taking it off too!
The children coped very well with their first PE lesson they were pretending to move like different animals using a range of speeds and changing directions. They had to listen carefully to instructions!
The children have been learning about sounds in the environment in phonics. They went on a listening walk outside and had to be very quiet and see what they could hear. They heard all sorts of sounds: car alarms, engines, hedge trimmers, birds, children etc It is very important to learn to listen carefully. Please encourage your child to listen to different sounds at home. The children also practised making sounds - we went 'Wheeeee' (like going down a slide), made sounds for animals, made a disappointed sound,a tick tock, a train sound. The children need to know that we can make different sounds. In the final phonics session the children sat in a circle and repeated simple patterns clapping, stamping and tapping instruments.
In maths this week the children have been practising counting on and back and counting accurately 1:1. Please encourage your child to count everything e.g when shopping ask them to count 4 apples into the bag, ask them to lay the table with the correct number of knives and forks. Look at the numbers on the doors as you walk along the street. In maths the children also sorted shapes and named and described simple 2d shapes- circle, square, rectangle and triangle. Encourage your child to look for shapes in the environment.
The children have had lots of fun indoors and outdoors in ChIL. They have been playing with construction kits, digging in the sand, playing with the dinosaurs, building with the big bricks. playing with the bikes and scooters, playing in the mud kitchen, amongst many other things
In art the children have all drawn a picture of their face. They used a mirror to look at themselves and identify their features and the colours that they needed to use for their hair and eyes.
They have also been practising layering coloured tissue paper as the basis for their Christmas cards that can be ordered through a company in a few weeks time. Look out for the information.
In one of the induction meetings we had a question about birthday books. Children used to bring in sweets for the class on their birthday but we have tried to move away from this as we are a healthy school. So for the past few years children have instead bought a book for the class which we have put a sticker in saying who it is from. This is not compulsory. The children have enjoyed choosing a book that they like to give to the class. One parent suggested that we provided a list of books that we would like to receive so as to avoid repetition of books. We would like to help you with ideas if you are stuck. We would love fiction and non-fiction books based on the topics we are going to cover. These include: pirates, fairy tales and castles, people who help up, emergency vehicles, dinosaurs, super-heroes, witches and wizards. We will let you know of other topics as we decide upon them (led by the children). Mrs Parkin will write a list of books which you can come and look at in the classroom. Then we can cross them off if they are bought. But please don't feel obliged to look at the list as we are perfectly happy with any book.
Have a lovely weekend!
The Year R Team