Friday, 27 September 2019

Friday 27th September

Useful information and requests:

  • Thank you to those of you who attended the phonics and maths evening. We hope that you found it useful. The 45 sight words are in the home school book which is in your child's book bag today. The children need to be able to recognise and read these words by the end of Reception. Knowing these sight words helps them to read. We will look at these words in phonics and post them on the blog, letting you know which ones we are  focusing on each week. In order to learn these words it helps if you write them on post-its and stick them around the house and every time anyone walks past they have to read the word! Play pairs and snap with the words and find the words in books. Ask your child to write the words. e.g In chalk on the floor, in shaving foam, in sand etc
  • Here is the link to the pronunciation of the phonemes again. It is very important to get them correct! Link for phoneme pronunciation
  • Your child is bringing their home school book home today. Please keep it in your child's book bag at all times. It would be really helpful if you covered it in sticky back plastic or put it in a small (A5) folder please.
  • Thank you to everyone who bought cakes from the Macmillan sale. We made an amazing £362.92!
  • Next week The Ducks will be having their 10 apple treat on Friday. They will be having a disco. If your child would like to change into party clothes please send the clothes in in a named bag.
  • Things to do...
  • Read books to your child and talk about any rhyming words you come across.
  • Encourage your child to practise taking their shoes and socks off and putting them back on ready for PE on Monday.  Practise putting jumper on and taking it off too!

This week we have been focusing on the number 2 in maths. The children had to recognise two objects in different arrangement. They learnt what a 2 numicon piece looks like, the numeral 2 and the dice pattern for 2. They went for a hunt around the classroom and found groups of 2. E.g 2 pencils, 2 socks, 2 lego bricks. We talked about pairs.

In phonics we have been continuing with our patterns and rhyming words. The children 
The children have been introduced to a puppet who only speaks in sound-talk. For example if it is asked what he likes for tea he says 'ch-ee'se. The children then have to blend the word back together to work out the answers to his questions. You could try talking to your child using sound-talk e.g. Please go and fetch the b-a-g.
The children have been exploring sounds they can make with the claves. They have been encouraged to tap, stroke and rub the claves fast and slow and see what sounds they could make. They explored sounds they could make when they tapped items such as pipes, pots etc. They then took turns to make their own rhythm and copied each other.

The children sat in a circle and we placed some objects in the middle. We played I spy using sound talk. e.g I spy with my little eye a 'h-e-n', ...a 'd-o-g'. We used our phoneme fingers and blending arm.

The children explored the beat using movement. The teacher played a range of instruments changing the tempo and the children moved around the hall in time to the beat. 

Lots of fun has been had in ChIL. We have managed to get out a bit between the torrential downpours! The children have had a lot of practise with their tidying skills this week. Please reinforce the importance of tidying at home!

Have a super weekend,
The Year R Team