Friday, 7 June 2019

Friday 7th June

Useful information and requests:
  • Please ensure your child has a hat and water bottle every day. Please apply sun cream before school.
  • Sports Day is on Thursday 13th June at 9.15am. You are invited to come and watch. PLEASE CAN YOUR CHILD COME TO SCHOOL WEARING THEIR TRAINERS FOR SPORTS DAY.
  • Show and Tell- We would like each child to prepare and practise a short talk about something they are proud of.  The talks will take place on Wednesday and Friday afternoon. Please ensure they have any props/photographs with them ready for the Wednesday of their week.

  • Week commencing June 10th - Yellow group
  • Things to do, to support your child...
  • Talk about 'time' including seasons, days of the week, months of the year as well as seconds, minutes, hours and what changes take place through the day- morning, lunchtime, afternoon, evening.
  • Can your child tell you about the story they have been planning this week?

This Thursday we were lucky enough to have a visit from Harpenden Police Station. Two police officers came to visit us and they brought their police car. The children learnt about how the police can help us. They found out about all the equipment an officer carries with him/her and what they may need it for. The children were allowed to hold some of these items: hand cuffs, baton, torch. If your child wanted to have a go sitting in the driving seat of the police car they could and they got to turn the sirens on! We looked at the equipment in the back of the police car too. They had cones, and signs for road closures in case of accidents, they also had a large shield they could use to protect themselves from baddies!
Many of the children dressed up as police officers after the visit and played police games. Some children built a prison out of the big bricks.

We also had a visit from the dental nurses . They explained to the children the importance of brushing their teeth morning and night for 2 minutes and demonstrated how to do this correctly.  They talked about foods to avoid and the importance of visiting a dentist regularly.

We've enjoyed some sunshine this week

Over the week the children rotated around 3 activities during focused ChIL:  

One activity involved looking at patterns on animals and replicating them using pastels.  The children also made animal masks.

In the second activity the children were making animals using clay. They had to think about different shapes for the body parts as well as how to change the texture using tools to make their animal.

The final activity was a Music activity: The children thought about animal sounds, not only vocal sounds but the noises you hear as they move e.g. clip clop of hooves.  The children then found things from around the classroom they could use to make these different sounds.  We talked about the dynamics of music- playing slow/fast and long sounds and short sounds and high and low sounds.

In maths this week the children have focused on subtraction.  They used a number line to help them subtract by counting back.

We also spoke about 'time' this week. We discussed seasons, months of the year, days of the week as well as hours, minutes and seconds. The children also thought about different times of the day such as morning, afternoon and evening and the things they do at these different times.

In phonics this week we have practised writing key words. We particularly focused on key words starting with 'th' the, that, this, then, they etc.  Please keep practising the first 45 key words with your child if they can not read them.

In Literacy this week the children have listened to two stories  'That's Not My ....' by F. Watts and R. Wells and 'Monkey Puzzle' by Julia Donaldson.  They thought carefully about descriptive words and have been planning their own stories.  Next week the children will write their own story.

Have a lovely weekend,
The Year R Team