Useful information and requests:
- Please ensure your child has a hat and water bottle every day. Please apply sun cream before school.
- The week commencing the 8th July is Cultural week and this year we will be learning all about France. On Friday 12th please can your child wear a top that is blue, white or red with their uniform. The children will be taking part in an obstacle course to end our Cultural week 'Tour de Crabtree!'
- On the morning of Thursday 11th July the children will visit their new classrooms and teachers. Open evening is also on the 11th July, 5-7pm. You can have a walk around your child's current classroom as well as having the opportunity to go and look around your child's new classroom and meet their new teacher.
- Reports will be sent home next Friday.
- Things to do, to support your child...
- recap this weeks phonics - We introduced the children to the alternative digraph 'oy' as opposed to 'oi'.
- Keep reading with your child.
This week the children have completed guided writing and maths activities. The Ducks have been sharing in maths and the Robins have been practising their number bonds. We have had visits from our new children and the Robin and Duck children have been fantastic at showing the new children around and helping them to feel welcome.
The children have enjoyed playing in the sunshine this week. Please do remember those hats and the sun cream which needs to be applied before school.They enjoyed singing and making shows, gymnastics, playing, with the big bricks, relaxing in the deck chairs reading books, playing with the lego, water and using magnifying classes.
In phonics this week the children have focused on the digraph- oy.
oy: ahoy, boy, toys, annoy, cowboy, destroy.
In the afternoon the children have had activities in three groups. One activity is a secret (for Mrs Meade), one was an art activity; we are working on the 'big picture' to go in the hall, this is based on animal patterns. The final activity was a looking at materials and whether they are water resistant. They developed their language related to water resistance and predicted and tested a range of materials.
Have a lovely weekend in the sunshine!
The Year R Team