Things to do...
- Read with your child
- Talk about the teen numbers with your child. We are trying to ensure that they understand that they are made up of ten plus a single digit number. Encourage your child to read numbers in the environment. Some children still need to learn to recognise their teen numbers. We will be doing more work on this next week.
- Ask your child to look at the story board for their group and retell the story to you.
This week the Robins' wrote their character descriptions which they had missed out on last week and the Ducks had their skipping workshop which they missed due to the snow.
The children all the re read the story of 'Room on the Broom'. They then thought of their own class story based on a wizard or witch. Together they drew out a class story board representing the story in 9 boxes.
These were:
Where? – setting
What? – character
What? – problem/want/need/dilemma
Helper (or other new character)
Solution, resolution of main problem
Over the week the children practised being story tellers, retelling the story in their own way. They did this as a whole class, in groups of 15 and with a partner until they were all confident with the story. At the end of the week they had the chance to write their story or part of the story.
See if your child can tell you which story they helped to make up and ask them to look at the pictures and tell you the story.
The children have been using pastels to carefully make observational drawings of a range of flowers. They learnt to blend the pastels together.
The children started thinking about the numbers 11 to 15
They each counted out 11 Numicon pegs and placed them on a 10 Numicon shape. We asked them 'What shall I do with this one?' We explained that we can place it in a 1 Numicon shape. So we have 10 and 1. We repeated this with different numbers.
We then questioned the children: What number will come next? How do you know?
Do we need to get out the pegs or can we work out what we need? A 10 shape and a 3 shape. So we have 10 and 3, also known as 13. Over the week the children became confident at saying 'this is 15, it is ten and five'.
The children made their own Numicon number line from 11 to 15.
They then had to find the correct numerals for each number.
The children did something very similar using the tens frames.
They counted out 11 spots from the tens frame, placed them on a tens frame. What shall I do with this one? They get another tens frame. They then repeated this with other teen numbers.
The children were given a numeral and asked to get that number of spots out and place them into the two tens frames.
The children then used pictures of the resources and had to record the numeral that matched.
As the week progressed some of the children moved on to doubling numbers and finding the answer and representing this using numicon pieces.
In phonics we have focused on writing 'oa' words and reading and writing 'oo' (as in book) words.
oa- boat, coat, goat, float,
oo- book, look, shook, took, good, hood, hook
The children enjoyed ChIL and continued lots of super number work.
Make sure you check your child's book bag for a Mother's Day masterpiece!
Have a super weekend.
The Year R Team