- Requests and reminders:
- We are in need of conkers and pine cones for our woodland learning activities. We would be very grateful for any you find. I'm sure the children would love a walk to hunt for some this weekend! Perhaps you could go on an Autumn walk over the holiday. Talk about all the changes that happen!
- Don't forget to make your Christmas card orders online and return the designs so that they can be sent off to be scanned.
- Things to do...
- Read to your child every day. Talk about rhyming words. You can also talk about alliteration and play games such as I spy using initial sounds with your child.
- Play maths games with dice.
Wow- we have made it to half term. The children have been absolutely incredible. We cannot believe how well they have all settled in and got used to the routine. They have learnt to focus extremely well and have all become learners. Please make sure your child has lots of quiet time over the holiday as next half term is also very long and the children are tired!
We hope you have managed to access your child's Tapestry account successfully. After half term the blog will become a photo gallery and all the information including a brief summary of the week will be found on Tapestry. Home learning, in case your child is in isolation or we have lock down, will also be available on Tapestry. This is where you will find a summary of all the activities taught throughout the week.
This week we have been recapping the numbers 1-5 in maths. The children have found one more and one less using multi link cubes. The children went on a counting hunt in the classroom. They had to find the animals on their sheet and record the correct number counted. They could record this using numerals or using representative dots. The children also practised number formation. They also had to order number cards and count out the correct number of objects to match. We practised counting on and back to 10 and counting claps, jumps as well as objects. They have sorted shapes according to their properties.
In guided writing this week, the children have practised forming the letters in their names correctly. They have been overwriting their names on sheets the same as those we sent home at parent consultations. Please continue to help your child write their names, ensuring that they start each letter in the correct place and follow the arrows. Another activity involved filling in missing initial sound so match pictures on the alphabet card. It would help your child to play I spy to ensure they have a good understanding of initial sounds.The other activities were cutting and fine motor activities.
The children really enjoyed their witches and wizards PE session.
The children have enjoyed exploring and learning through play.
You may want to have another go at our phonics activities. This weeks phonics activities:
Activity 1: Drum outdoors
Give each child a beater or make drumsticks, for example from short pieces of dowel. Encourage the children to explore the outdoor area and discover how different sounds are made by tapping or stroking, with their beaters, a wooden door, a wire fence, a metal slide, and a few items such as pipes and upturned pots you have ‘planted’. Ask each child to demonstrate their favourite sound for the rest of the group. The whole group can join in and copy. Ask each child to take up position ready to make their favourite sound. An adult or a child acts as conductor and raises a beater high in the air to signal the children to play loudly and lowers it to signal playing softly.
Activity 2: Sound story time
Discuss with the children how they can use their voices to
add sounds to stories such as Bear Hunt, Chicken Licken or The Three Billy
Goats Gruff.
Read Room on the broom and make the different voices for the
animals according to the story e.g shriek for the bird
Think of words using the letters ‘s, a, t, p, i, n’ (e.g.
sat, pin, nip, pat, tap, pit, pip) and sound them out, clapping each phoneme
with the children in unison, then blend the phonemes to make the whole word
orally. As children’s confidence develops, ask individuals to demonstrate this
activity to others. – write down the words on the easel as you go.
e.g sat, pat, pin, tap…
After half term we will be moving onto Phase 2 phonics and will be focusing on each sound.
Have a wonderful half term,
The Reception Team