Friday, 20 December 2019

Friday 20th December

Useful information and requests:
  • Term starts on Tuesday 7th January at 8.55am!
  • Friday 31st January 9.15 Reception Assembly and book look.
  • In our guided reading sessions next term the children will be having the chance to read magazines and comics. If you have any magazines and comics your child has finished with we would be most grateful for them.
  • Please look out for the 'Magic Moments' sheet that has been emailed home. We would be most grateful if you could complete it.
Things to do...
  • please revise the phonemes taught this term over the holidays: s,a,t,p,i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k and ck, e, u, r, and h.
  • Don't forget to read with your child.
  • Count everything and look at numbers and shapes in the environment.

Wow, we have made it through the first term of Reception! It has been a long one but the children have been fantastic. We hope you enjoyed the Christmas play. They were all very sweet. Here they are in their costumes:

This week has been full of Christmas madness. They have enjoyed lots of Christmas activities during ChIL and they loved their Christmas party.

On Friday morning we had a fantastic panto. The children really enjoyed it.

Thank you so much for all the lovely Christmas gifts and cards.
Have a wonderful Christmas! Don't forget to have some quiet time!!!
The Year R Team

Friday, 13 December 2019

Friday 13th December

Useful information and requests:
  • The Christmas play will take place on 18th December at 9.15am and 19th December at 10.15am. Tickets have been sent home in your child's book bag. 
  • Please remember to bring in something for our reversed advent calendar. We have a box in each classroom to collect the donations. For more information please see the school bulletin.
  • On Thursday 19th December the children will be having a Christmas party in Reception.They do not need to bring anything for this.
  • Next Friday is Christmas lunch.
  • The children have a letter from the nurse in their book bags. Those who were absent will be seen by the nurse in 8 weeks when retests will also take place.
  • Things to do...
  • please revise the phonemes taught this term over the holidays: s,a,t,p,i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k and ck, e, u, r, and h.
This week the children have worked hard practising the play and it is coming together. Thank you for bringing in their costumes. They look super.

Adult directed activities have been based on Christmas. The children have been making cards, writing the inserts, making a salt dough hanging decoration and making a decorative star or Christmas tree by winding ribbon and wool.

In phonics this week the children have been taught the phonemes r, and h.
u:bug, rug,  jug, cup, mug, mud.
r: red, rat, run, rip, rock
h: hat, hut, hot, hop, hen, hit

The children have had whole class maths lessons this week.  They explored the number 10 and thought of number facts. They went on a Christmas number hunt around the classroom.

The children all made Christmas hats and wore them to the school Christmas lunch on Friday.  The teachers served the children their food and they all have lots of fun.

The children have completed lots of fun Christmas activities during ChIL this week including  writing Christmas lists, writing about Ed the mischievous Elf, number sheets, Christmas Nativity colouring, playing on the role play stage.

Have a lovely weekend,
The Year R Team