- It is really important that the children have a coat and hat and gloves with them everyday.
- World Book Day-7th March.
- Reception Fair trade Cafe: Tuesday 12th March. You are invited to come along and sit with your child and buy some fair trade food and drink from our cafe.
- Parent consultations are on Monday 18th March 9-12 for Ducks. Wednesday 20th March 9-12 for Robins. Evening of Thursday 21st March for Ducks and Robins. Look out for the online sign up.
- Things to do...
- Listen to your child read everyday. Morning time is best! Don't forget to read to your child, this helps them understand the importance of expression and they learn new vocabulary. Remember to focus on those high frequency words that have been sent home. The children need to recognise and read all 45 of them by the end of Reception.
- Talk about 3d Shapes and see if your child can find any 3d shapes in the environment.
- This week the children have continued phonics focusing on letter sounds. They have learnt the digraphs, 'qu', 'ch' and 'sh' See if your child can sound out and blend back the CVC words below.
This week the children have been covering our Jigsaw/PSHE topic in Adult Directed activities. They have been learning about staying healthy and how we all need exercise, healthy food, sleep and friendships. We talked about bedtime routines which help us to get to sleep at night and the fact that everyone needs sleep to grow and to be ready to focus the next day. We talked about eating balanced meals and how we need good friendships to stay happy and how to be good friends to each other.
In maths this week we have been focusing on 3d Shapes. The children have learnt how to describe and name some 3d shapes. These include: a cube, cuboid, cylinder, sphere and cone. The children learnt this chant to help them remember the shapes:
Cube, cube, what’s your clue? - 6 square faces all over you
Cuboid, cuboid, what’s your clue? - You look like a tissue box achooo!
Cylinder, cylinder, what’s your clue? - You can stand up or roll about too
Sphere, sphere, what’s your clue? - You look like a ball that you kick with your shoe
Cone, cone, what’s your clue? - Don’t let your ice cream drip on you!
The children took part in a range of activities including a 3d shape hunt. Looking for shapes in the environment, experimenting with which shape rolls down a slope the best and collecting objects that are 3d shapes from around the classroom and describing their properties looking at faces, edges and corners. Please ask your child to name and describe these shapes when they spot them in the environment.
The children have continued to think about Chinese New Year this week. Some of them wrote wishes and hung them in a tree.
In phonics this week the children have learnt the digraphs 'qu', 'ch' and 'sh'. A digraph is one sound made of two letters.
qu: queen, quick, quid, quiz, quack
ch- chips, chin, chick, chilly, chop, rich
sh: ship, shed, shell, shop, fish, sheep
In PE the children had lots of fun using the parachute with Miss Kelly.
In ChIL the children have had lots of fun making Chinese New Year Dragons/lions and playing in the Chinese restaurant. They have enjoyed being out in the sunshine and practising their balancing skills and using their upper body strength. They've been using magnifying glasses to look at a range of rocks. They have used clip boards to find the key words that have been stuck around the Reception classes.
On Friday the children dressed and danced like a Chinese dragon/lion. They had lots of fun.
Have a wonderful half term week. Wow- half way through Reception already!!
The Year R Team.