Friday, 21 December 2018

Friday 21st December

Useful information and requests:
  • We have a fantastic pirate day coming up on Tuesday 15th January. The children will need to be dressed as pirates for the day. It is a fantastic workshop and we know the children will love it.We need lots of adult support to help us make it a special day. You can sign up online.
  • We have loads of junk- so no more  at the moment please!!!
  • Things to do...
  • Please encourage your child to read over the holidays. It is also important to read to them as this helps them to learn new vocabulary and teaches them about the importance of expression to make a story more interesting for the listener and gives them an understanding of story structure. Ask them questions about the characters and what is happening.Can they say what might happen next?
  • Please recap the sounds the children have learnt this term. Encourage your child to sound out simple words and blend them back together. You could speak in sound talk when you ask them to do something e.g. Please get the p-e-n. 

The children did so well in their Christmas production. We are incredibly proud of them. They sang and danced beautifully and said their words so clearly. They were amazing when we had technical difficulties and waited so patiently and quietly.

Here they are looking fantastic in their costumes:

Magic moments.We will be emailing the magic moments sheets to you. We would be very grateful if you could record any 'Magic Moments' that happen over the Christmas break. For example: Your child riding a bike for the first time or going to a wedding/ visiting a new place/ski-ing etc.

ChIL fun:

We were very sad to say goodbye to wonderful Mrs Pattrick this morning. The children were fantastic saying the Reception poem- all the words were their own ideas. They all drew fabulous pastel pictures of Mrs Pattrick which we used to decorate the hall. We are all going to miss Mrs Pattrick a great deal. We wish her masses of good luck in her new job.

The children had an early lunch today in the classroom. This was because they had a special treat. We were lucky enough to have a fabulous pantomime. It was 'Beauty and the Beast' The children really enjoyed it.

Thank you so much for the very generous Christmas presents and vouchers. We have had a great first term with your children and wish you all a very Happy Christmas and relaxing holiday!
The Year R Team

Friday, 14 December 2018

Friday 14th December

Useful information and requests:
  • The children should all have their costumes in school now. The children will be having their dress rehearsal on Tuesday afternoon which will be performed to the rest of the school.
  • Reception Christmas play dates: Wednesday 19th December at 9.15 or Thursday 20th December at 10.15. We look forward to seeing you there.
  • There will be a Celebration Assembly for Mrs Pattrick on Friday 21st December at 9.15am.
  • Please can every child bring in a named carrier bag to put all their lovely Christmas decorations in.
  • Things to do...
  • Listen to your child read everyday. Morning time is best! Don't forget to read to your child. Play maths games- your child should be able to recognise the number by the dice pattern. 
  • This week the children have continued phonics focusing on individual letter sounds. They have learnt the sounds 'r' and 'h'.  See if your child can sound out and blend back the CVC words below.
On Tuesday the children enjoyed watching the Year 1 Christmas production. Next week they will be watching the Year 2 Christmas Play as well as performing themselves. The children know their songs well now and the play is coming together! They tried their costumes on today and all looked fabulous. If any adjustments are required we will hopefully have caught you after school today. If your child hasn't yet brought in their costume, please can they bring it on Monday. There is a letter in their bag explaining what they need.

The children have made Christmas cards this week. They used their cutting skills and added detail using felt tip or by sticking shapes and sequins on. 

They also made Christmas trees. First they had to cut and order strips of paper from shortest to longest and then stick them on the tree trunk.

In phonics this week the children have learnt the sounds 'r' and 'h'. See if your child can segment and blend the following words:
r: rip, run, rat, red, rug, rock
h: hop, hit, ham, hot, hat, hen

The children looked great in their Christmas Jumpers today. They all made Christmas hats which they wore for their Christmas lunch!

A huge thank you to the catering staff who hand decorated all the Christmas biscuits and gave us all a super Christmas lunch. Here they are hard at work!

ChIL has been fun too.

Not long until the holidays now. The children have done so well this term and are all well settled at school! They have coped with this busy time very well.
Have a great weekend. The Year R Team