Thursday, 23 June 2011

What a busy week!

The children have had sooo much fun learning about Australia.

They have sung some Australian songs, heard an Australian Folk Tale, found out what Boomerangs were made for and designed their own, learnt what some Aboriginal signs mean, made their own hats, practiced using Aboriginal art techniques and learnt how to play cricket!

We also learnt an Aboriginal dance from a porfessional dancer.

Thank you to all those who turned up to our picnic, we hope you enjoyed our singing and dancing.

Here are some pictures of us during the week.

Next week we are going to be learning about 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'. The children are going to make up their own versions of the story and find out some interesting facts about caterpillars and butterflies.

In maths we are going to be sorting the food from the story, counting in 2's, 5's and 10's and making our own symmetrical butterfly pictures.

We hope you have a lovely long weekend.

Friday, 10 June 2011

A BIG well done to all the children in their water assembly this morning. They were brilliant!

In fact they did so well that each class had 3, yes 3 apples!!!

Here are some photographs.

On Monday it is Green Day - please can everyone add something green to their uniform.

This year we are thinking about the environment and why it is important to look after it.

The children are going to take part in a scavenger hunt around the school grounds, they will collect different natural objects and then share their findings with each other.

We are going to make a flower pot out of recycled materials and plant a bean seed.

We will also be looking closely at trees, we will sketch them and use the bark to make rubbings.

In Maths we are going to be extending our addition skills by putting the biggest number in our head and then counting on. we will also be thinking about doubling and halving numbers.

In Literacy we are going to be concentrating on our key words and how to write super sentences.

On Friday afternoon we will be practicing for sports day, so please make sure that your children have a pair of trainers or plimsolls that fit!

Have a lovely weekend.