Thursday, 28 April 2011

Royal Wedding!

WOW! What a busy and fun 2 days we have had!

We have been creative and made crowns for our 'playground party', been musical and learnt new songs to sing at our party, made a memory mat so we always remember exactly what we were doing at the time of the Royal Wedding and dressed up in red, white and blue for our playground party!

Here are some photographs of us enjoying our party.

This half term we are going to be focusing on water. Next week we are going to learn where we find water: rivers, taps and rain; what we use water for: drinking and washing and the different noises that water can make. We are going to be experimenting with different objects in the water to create sounds and then have a go at writing the sounds we hear. In creative we are going to be making wax resist water pictures using wax crayons and Brusho.

We hope you have a lovely long weekend and enjoy the Wedding!

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Next Term!

A BIG thank-you to all the parents and helpers on our school trip to Mill Green.

We had lots of fun and learnt lots of exciting new things. The Miller told us all about the Mill and how the water wheel turns the cogs to grind the wheat into flour. We used the flour to bake some bread, made shakers with the wheat and made our own badges!

Here are some photographs of us on our first school trip!

After Easter we have a 2 day week (Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th).

On these 2 days we will be taking part in activities associated with the Royal Wedding. We are going to be making our own crowns and tiaras using finger paints, making our own bunting for a playground/street party on Thursday afternoon and making our own memory mat to record information about ourselves such as our friends, favourite colour and which class we are in.

We hope you all have a restful Easter Break!

Friday, 1 April 2011

Mill Green Museum!

This week we had a special treat! Mrs Coates (Gracie’s Mum) came into school on Thursday and taught us some Monkey Music. We all had a go at singing, dancing and playing a drum in different ways - tapping, rolling,scratching adn banging! We made lots of noise and had lots of fun!

Next week we are going to be really busy as it is the last week of term and it’s our school trip! We will be reading the story about The Little Red Hen, discussing the characters and sequencing the events in the story. We are looking forward to our trip to Mill Green Museum (thank you so much to all of the parent helpers who volunteered to come with us.) We will be listening to the miller who will explain all about how to grind wheat, making our own bread and making badges and shakers!

We will be carrying on learning about adding and the number bonds to 5 and 10.

As we investigated with magnets last week we are going to be taking our learning forward by investigating the different materials in our classroom and trying to describe them.

We will learn about Easter and how it is a special time of year to some people and we are going to make some chocolate nests and notice the changes that happen to the ingredients - there may be a treat in the nest!!!