Friday, 25 March 2011

Spring Time!

Thank you to everybody who came to watch our assembly.
The children did really well and made us all proud.
This week we have been really busy with rehearsing for our assembly, but have had time to go on a spring walk.
Here are some pictures of the signs of Spring which we found.

Next week we are going to be thinking about Mother's Day and how special our families are. We are also going to be thinking about magnets and investigating which materials are magnetic.

Friday, 18 March 2011


This week we have been very busy making fruit kebabs, learning how to stay healthy and planting cress seeds.We had great fun laughing at what we wore for Red Nose Day!!

Here are some photographs of us making our fruit kebabs.

Next week we are going to be doing a lot of rehearsing for our assembly on Friday! We will be practising how to use loud voices as well as our acting skills. We have already started to learn a song too! We hope that you are able to come and watch us in our first ever school assembly.

We will also be learning about the seasons, signs of spring in our local environment and in maths we will be learning which numbers are 1 more or 1 less than a given number.

Friday, 11 March 2011


A big thank-you to everyone who came to our Fair trade Cafe, we raised just over ₤95.

Now we have some Frogspawn in Reception which have already hatched out of the eggs and turned into little Tadpoles. Some of us have looked really closely at them in ChIL and have drawn pictures and added information to them for our Reception Tadpole Diary.

This week we have had good fun acting out the story of The Enormous Turnip and looking closely at vegetables.

Next week in KUW (Knowledge and Understanding of the World) we are going to be planting cress and finding out the best conditions for it to grow. We are also going to find out the best way for us to stay healthy and how it is important to eat, drink water, exercise and sleep to stay healthy as well as thinking about our personal hygiene. At the end of the week we are going to make our own fruit skewers, working really hard on our fine motor control and being really careful when cutting the fruit with the knives.

I'm sure we will love eating them afterwards!

Friday, 4 March 2011

The Enormous Turnip!

We had great fun dressing up on World Book Day!

We made a class dictionary and had a book read to us in Polish.
This term we are focussing on Traditional Tales and we are going to be learning the story of 'The Enormous Turnip'. We are going to remember the sequence to help us to act out the story.
We are also going to do observational drawings of different vegetables and make sure we look really closely at all the detail.
As it is our Fairtrade Cafe on Thursday we are going to be learning about Fairtrade and using Fairtrade cotton to make bunting. We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible - bring lots of money!